2016 Comic-Con Friday And Saturday Schedules Released

Every year, it looks like San Diego Comic Con welcomes more and more exciting panels into its [...]


Every year, it looks like San Diego Comic Con welcomes more and more exciting panels into its crowded locale. And, unsurprisingly, this summer seems to be no different. With SDCC set to kick-off in less than two weeks, the convention has released its packed schedule for Friday, July 22nd and Saturday, July 23rd.

On either day, fans can attend panels or workshops on just about anything. The diverse talent attending SDCC is staggering as attendees will be able to find plenty of events which suit their tastes. If they're interesting in attending a professional panel about the screenwriting business, it'll be there. For die-hard cosplayers, there will be dozens of panels focusing on everything from production techniques to photography tips. Literally, there'll be hundreds of panels split between Friday and Saturday, and fans will surely have a difficult time deciding which ones to actually attend.

You'll find links to SDCC's full schedules for Friday and Saturday here, but there are a some special events which deserve particular attention. For instance, Friday will see AMC's Fear the Walking Dead and The Walking Dead hit the convention's Hall H as the two shows prep for their upcoming seasons. Friday will also feature panels such as 'Star Trek: Five Decades of Comics,' 'How It Should Have Ended,' 'Teen Superheroes: Hormones & Super Powers,' and tons of other events geared towards video games. Adult Swim will also be visible on Friday as they'll host panels for Samurai Jack, Robot Chicken, and Ricky and Morty.

Saturday, if possible, will only be even crazier. SDCC plans to host panels addressing shows such as Once Upon A Time while comics and mangas will get some due recognition at their own panels. Avatar the Last Airbender will be discussed at its own event, and Japanese mangas such as Attack on Titan will be celebrated as well. And, again, Hall H will find itself crowded as both Warner Bros. and Marvel Studios are set to present on its stage that afternoon. Of course, this means there'll be fans lining up outside of the gigantic room for hours (or more!) beforehand.

Considering SDCC is expected to find studios breaking news on upcoming films like Power Rangers and new cinematic installments for both the MCU & DCEU, fans are gearing up for what will surely be a big year at the world's largest comic con.

Hopefully, everybody will remember to bring their sunscreen.