Conan's Opening Monologue Compare The Walking Dead To LA's Pedestrians, Sochi Olympics

During the opening monologue of last night’s Conan, Conan O’Brian compared Los Angeles’ [...]

Conan's The Walking Dead Monologue

During the opening monologue of last night's Conan, Conan O'Brian compared Los Angeles' pedestrians and the Sochi Olympic Games to The Walking Dead. The cast of The Walking Dead were Conan's guest on the show. Having The Waking Dead in LA was a bit unusual according to O'Brien. He said:

"Usually if you want to see the walking dead here in LA you have to go to a mall in Tarzana. When you see a walker in LA it doesn't mean they're a zombie, it just means they have a DUI. And they make the same sound too. People react the same too. When you see people walking on the sidewalk in LA, 'AH! The hell is that? That's crazy! Shoot it in the head!'"

Conan then discussed the two big television events happening this week: The Walking Dead's mid-season premiere and the beginning of the Winter Olympics. He said:

"One is about a group of people trying to survive an apocalyptic environment under horrific conditions. The other is The Walking Dead."

At the close, Conan managed to get one more shot in on outgoing The Tonight Show host Jay Leno, who he has a storied rivalry with. He said:

"That's right, NBC has the Olympics. It's a big deal. NBC will finally get to show somebody that's okay with passing the torch."

returns February 9 on AMC.