Did The Walking Dead’s Robert Kirkman Give Away The Fate Of Baby Judith?

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman danced around the [...]

Walking Dead Baby Judith

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman danced around the fate of baby Judith, but the way he phrased his answer might be a big clue. When asked how soon baby Judith's fate would be revealed, Kirkman said, "It will be resolved with absolute certainty but it's an unknown that's out there. Revealing when it will be resolved would be somewhat of a spoiler. There will be answers, but I don't know if they're going to come necessarily soon." While that answer doesn't say definitely one way or the other, the very fact that there will be an absolute certain answer could be a big hint. If someone just accidentally dropped baby Judith during all the chaos of The Governor's attack, then there wouldn't be a definitive answer, unless the producers wanted to do a flashback of a zombie eating a baby, which isn't likely. The blood in the babyseat in the Midseason finale would be enough to confirm her death if the producers didn't plan to show her again. The fact that there will be an absolute answer and that it's not coming soon would seem to suggest that someone out there has baby Judith. With many of the episodes focusing on individual characters or small groups, it would make sense that it might be a couple episodes into the run before baby Judith is revealed.