Disney Struggling With Captain America 3 Release Date Against Batman Vs. Superman

Disney is struggling with the idea of debuting Captain America 3 against Batman vs. Superman, [...]

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Disney is struggling with the idea of debuting Captain America 3 against Batman vs. Superman, according to Variety reporter Brent Lang. Lang quoted Walt Disney Studios's chairman Alan Horn on the subject. "We'll see. We're struggling with it," said Horn. This is just the latest development in the May 6 release date drama, and the first admittance by either studio that they may be considering rescheduling one film or the other. Marvel had originally announced that they would be releasing a film on May 6, 2016 but didn't name which film it would be. Warner Bros. ended up pushing Batman vs. Superman back from its original 2015 release date to the same May 2016 release date when the film ran into production delays. Not much was made of the development until Marvel officially announced that Captain America 3 would be premiering on May 6, 2016. The two studios have been in a kind of standoff about the date since then, with voices on both sides stating that they have no plans to change the release date of their film. Horn seems to break that trend with this statement, admitting that Disney is at least considering having Marvel move Captain America 3 to avoid a mutually detrimental split release date with Batman vs. Superman, as many have expected they would. Captain America 3 and Batman vs. Superman both remain officially scheduled for release on May 6, 2016.