The Walking Dead: Hershel's Decapitated Head Eating Pudding Video

As we wait for tomorrow's new episode of The Walking Dead, AMC has released a video of the most [...]

Chris Hardwick Feeding Herschel Pudding.

As we wait for tomorrow's new episode of The Walking Dead, AMC has released a video of the most talked about scene from last week's episode of Talking Dead. In the scene, Greg Nicotero unveils the prop he brought from the set of the episode: the animatronic severed head of Hershel Greene. The terrifyingly realistic head is a bit creepy at first. At least until host Chris Hardwick decides to feed it spoonfuls of pudding from a giant can, similar to the one Carl found in the episode. As Hardwick notes, "It's never too late for pudding." Talking Dead airs Sunday nights following The Walking Dead on AMC.