Video: Disney Employee Shown Fighting Off Alligator Near Splash Mountain

After the tragic death of a 2-year-old boy at a Disney World Resort earlier this week, more videos [...]

After the tragic death of a 2-year-old boy at a Disney World Resort earlier this week, more videos have surfaced online showing other incidents involving alligators on Disney properties.

In a video aired on Inside Edition, a Disney employee is shown fighting off an alligator near the popular Splash Mountain ride in Disney World. The alarming thing about the video is that the alligator repeatedly tries to make its way on land mere feet away from where Disney guests are located. There's no indication of exactly when the video was shot.

Another video revealed by Inside Edition is described as showing kids feeding an alligator with chicken and lettuce at a Disney's Coronado Springs Resorts. The news report also indicates guests staying at Bora Bora Bungalows in the same lagoon where the recent alligator attack occurred have been know to feed gators.