The Eternals: What Are Celestials?
Over the past five years or so, the Celestials have been teased in a few separate instances in the […] -
MCU Theory Suggests the Infinity Stones Will Create the Eternals
As it stands now, movie-goers will likely be treated to The Eternals at some point next year, a […] -
Guardians of the Galaxy: What’s that Huge Head and Who are the Celestials?
For most viewers who aren’t regular readers of Marvel Comics, one of the most striking and […] -
Your First Look At UNCANNY X-MEN #3!
Your First Look At UNCANNY X-MEN #3! THE CELESTIALS HAVE ARRIVED! In your first look at Uncanny […] -
Celestial & Cosmo Concept Art For Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy
Conceptual artist Sebastian Meyer (‘Green Lantern’) has updated his website with concept art he […] -
5 Wars Worthy of Thor
This week saw the war between Asgard and the Shi’ar enter a battle truly worthy of gods.It is a […] -
‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Toy Listing Seemingly Confirms ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Connection
According to a new toy listing, Thor: Ragnarok might have a deep connection to another part of the […]