Fear The Walking Dead: Walker Stalker Panel Recap

A couple of cast members, and one former cast member, of Fear The Walking Dead were featured in [...]

A couple of cast members, and one former cast member, of Fear The Walking Dead were featured in their own panel at the Walker Stalker Convention in Atlanta this weekend. Joining the moderators were stars Coleman Domingo, Merceded Mason, and Lorenzo James Henrie.

Mercedes and Coleman recap how they first met and how his voice is so much deeper when he's playing the character. The moderators tell Domingo he should get into voice actingand Mercedes claims they begin filming season three in January.

The moderators ask about season two heading into season three and Henrie saysthe second seasons was awesome because it dove into deeper storylines.

When asked if Chris could still be alive, Lorenzo replied, "anything can happen in the walking dead universe, so you never know."

Domingo says he can't believe everything that happened in season two. From the boat to the mansion to the hotel, it was so much story into 15 episodes.

Mercedes says that the speed going into season three, will be out of this world. Fans won't be able to believe it.

When asked if Ofelia is starting to become more like Daniel, Mercedes sais she definitely will.

"She is absolutely her fathers daughter…by all accounts she thinks he's an orphan and she's starting to live with herself."

"I enjoy killing things way too much, I don't know what thats about I would never hurt a fly in real life…I want ofelia to become Fear's Carol. I want her to sink her teeth in and go crazy….it's better than therapy, just stab a zombie."

Chris realized he was the problem with his dad at the end of the first half of last season.

Strand just needed one other person to help him with the yacht but he gained 8 other people in the process. By the time he separates from the group, he is choosing loneliness as a pro/con choice.

Coleman says regarding the character, "He's better by himself I think, because he trusts no one."

Domingo says you can look back at Strand's choices over the course of the series and see that Strand has always been right in his ideas.

Ofelia is a cleptomaniac for stealing Strand's truck, according to Mercedes and Coleman. She had to get closure since she has been living for her parents, so she went to find her fiancé.

A fan asked about Strand's return to the show, since he has separated from the family. Domingo confirmed that it would happen.

Henry is talking about the differences in Fear and Agents Of Shield. Both are amazing depending on your palette.

"Chris was going to kill Madison" Lorenzo says, according to the writer's. Then he says he was going to apologize to Alicia instead.

The bedroom scene propelled Chris to go ahead and leave on his own.

A fan asked about how Negan and Strand would get along if they ever met.

Coleman then said Negan and Strand would get along really well because they both love psychological games. It would be a great game between the two of them.

The moderator asks about Ofelia's love interests and light hearted tone, and Mercedes says she's always smiling and pulling pranks on set. Hopefully the writer's will give her some light tone but not make her a sociopath.

It was weird for Chris to be away from the other cast members once they left the boat. They were so used to spending all of their time together that they didn't like being separated.

After reading the episode 7 script Lorenzo said "I'm dead."

Lorenzo says he found about his death after being called into the producer's office just after the season two premiere.

He went in to the character meeting and it was just he and the show-runner. Nothing was beaten around the bush so he was told right away.

The crowd was also informed that Lorenzo just had a baby boy named joseph a couple of days ago.

A fan asks how they got into acting and who their favorite teacher was in the craft.

Mercedes originally went to Columbia, moved to America when she was 13. Mercedes faints at the sight of blood. Her psychology study helped her get into the heads of her characters.

Domingo studied journalism at Temple university when he began acting. He took a class and a teacher pushed him to pursue the craft.

Chris was always a part of show business, and his mother was always his biggest teacher.

Mercedes says family is the cornerstone of why Dave Erickson wrote the series. It's all about family dynamic. Do friends become family or is it just blood relation?

The cast thinks that Chris could've been such a force for good if the infection hadn't happen. he was on a dark path but the infection really accelerated it.

Lorenzo says it was really cool to film his death scene. It was all done in a single shot with a crane. He compared Cliff's intense scene was like seeing hie character from training day to come back to life.

Did Chris feel bad about turning on his dad?

Lorenzo says he felt bad because he felt sorry, but the actor was pissed about the turn. Lorenzo didn't ask to be sent off, and he pitched the chance for Chris to say I love you to his dad before he left. The producers quickly said no.

Mercedes on working with Dayton Callie in the season two finale:

:He's incredible…and we had a really tough day shooting. It was about 110 degrees out."

"We actually shot a scene that I thought hey were gonna air at the end of this season but they're saving for next season."

"She is in a sticky situation. They are about to become great nemesis or great friends."

Fear The Walking Dead will return for a third season in 2017.