The Walking Dead Executive Producer Doesn't Even Know Who Negan Kills Yet

During an interview with Digital Spy, The Walking Dead executive producer Gale Anne Hurd claimed [...]


During an interview with Digital Spy, The Walking Dead executive producer Gale Anne Hurd claimed she understands fan frustration about Season Six's cliffhanger ending...partially because even she doesn't know how it's going to come out.

"​The cliffhanger is something that is very common, not only in The Walking Dead [TV series]- but in Robert Kirkman's comic book series," Hurd said, adding that they wanted the moment to be about introducing Negan, not about the casualty.

"You'll be out of your misery very soon in the new season - and I guess so will somebody else!"Hurd quipped, adding, "I want to know what happens next too - believe me! Honestly, I do not know who it is."

If that seems a little hard to swallow, the series hasn't resumed filming yet -- and showrunners have said they hope to keep the secret under wraps for as long as possible, with even the cast not yet aware.

In the comics, of course, it was Glenn Rhee who died at Negan's hands during the character's first full appearance in The Walking Dead #100. For years now, fans have speculated about whether Rhee -- played by Steven Yeun, who wrote a nasty letter to the comic book series after his character's death on the page -- would exit the series when Negan came or whether another fan-favorite character might take his place.

"I think that, but then I also think, how great and iconic is that moment?" said Yeun when we posed that possibility to him back in 2014. "Sometimes you just have to deliver it the way it was intended. We'll see what happens but I feel like the way that Kirkman wrote that end for him was magical in a way. You don't get to have a long speech or you don't get to have a whole diatribe about where you're at as a character at that point in time and then be killed, it's just you're done. And I think that's so ruthless and brutal and so apropos for the show."

The Walking Dead will return for its seventh season in October. Expect a trailer to generate a lot of speculation out of Comic Con International: San Diego in July.

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