Game of Thrones finally aired its series finale on Sunday, and much the show’s cast have been honoring their characters with heartfelt posts on social media. Jacob Anderson, who played Grey Worm on the series (and who also releases music under the name Raleigh Ritchie), recently shared some photos from his first and last days on the HBO series’ set.
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“1. First Day. 2. Last Day. GoT was like the craziest school trip ever. A 6 year Adventure Weekend. Grey Worm. You went from a robot to a real boy. I’m proud of you. I’ll miss you bud. Thank you to everybody that cared about him and rooted for him. He was really scared at first, but you made him feel loved. He appreciates it. I asked him. Huge shout out to the Targs team: Nats, Emilia, Conleth, Peter, Iain, Ian, Michiel, Reece, Ed, Kit, Liam. Thank you for making the days so fun,” he wrote.
The actor added, “Here’s to every single department behind the scenes that worked to the bone to make this show. They worked tirelessly everyday to make this thing, and they never get shout outs and they know that but they do it anyway. Here’s to you, you ragtag bunch of talented clever rascals. I love ya’ll. Thank you.”
Many people commented on the post, including some of his co-stars and some celebrity fans.
“Love you for LYFE GW. I’ll never see a better leader of dragons x,” Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen) wrote.
“โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ๐ช๐ฝ๐ช๐ฝ๐ช๐ฝ๐๐พ๐๐พ๐๐พ,” Nathalie Emmanuel (Missandei) replied.
“๐ช๐ปโฆ.!,” Pilou Asbรฆk (Euron Greyjoy) added.
“Your role brings new meaning to ‘Loving You’s A BloodSport’. Great run, dude,” Josh Groban commented.
Anderson also recently shared a behind-the-scenes video of his stunt work from the penultimate episode.
All eight seasons of Game of Thrones are available to stream on HBO.