The Scrubs reboot is one major step closer to happening with series creator Bill Lawrence on board to develop the series for ABC, and the next step will be to get some of the original cast on board. According to reports, that’s currently in process, with the show looking to bring back Zach Braff (J.D.), Sarah Chalke (Elliot), Donald Faison (Turk), and John C. McGinley (Dr. Cox) for the reboot. There’s also talks of bringing back Judy Reyes’ Carla, and if so that would take care of the core leads from the original series. That said, there are several other delightfully quirky characters that fans would undoubtedly love to see make a return in a reboot series, and these are our picks of who we want to see make a comeback.
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Jordan Sullivan: Christa Miller

While Dr. Kelso was largely considered the main villain of Scrubs, especially in early seasons, there was another antagonist force in Sacred Heart courtesy of Jordan Sullivan. Jordan was played by Christa Miller, and is the ex-wife of Dr. Cox. While they do reconnect throughout the show and towards the end of the series, her razor edged sarcasm is frequently aimed at the other characters in the show, especially J.D. and Turk.
Some of those rough edges smooth out over the course of her run on the show, which included 88 episodes, and her relationship with Dr. Cox also evolves throughout the show. She’s one of the characters that would greatly benefit from returning in the reboot, especially since Dr. Cox is poised to make a return as well, as fans would love to see how they’ve changed and progressed as individuals and as a possible couple depending on which direction the series takes with them. Plus, Miller was fantastic in the role, and the dynamic between her and McGinley was always wonderful.
Bob Kelso: Ken Jenkins

Few people at Sacred Heart were thrilled to find themselves in the sights of Dr. Kelso, who was played by Ken Jenkins. Kelso was once called the most evil human being on the planet by Dr. Cox, and he lived up to that reputation in his various interactions with Dr. Cox and the rest of the staff.
[RELATED: How the Scrubs TV Reboot Connects to the Original Series]
That said, like Jordan, Kelso did become less abrasive as the show went on, and even ended up becoming a source of advice towards the end of the show. While he didn’t show his softer side often, the brief glimpses fans got were enough to show that maybe he wasn’t a complete villain.
At the end of the show, Kelso is teaching at Winston University while causing some chaos, and you could easily bring him back in a smaller role to liven things up as he interacts with not only the familiar faces but any new interns the show brings in. It would allow the show to dip to some of his most famous moments as they tell the newbies how difficult he was when they started, and he has the potential to create some brand new unforgettable moments too.
The Todd: Robert Maschio

One of the first characters to make an impression in the original series was unquestionably Todd Quinlan, though he was more commonly known as The Todd. Played by Robert Maschio, Todd appears in 126 episodes and is one of the few characters to appear in both the pilot and the series finale.
Especially in early seasons, The Todd is known mostly for his frat house attitude and womanizing, though he does become good friends with Turk and occasionally gives advice to the Janitor, but the quality of that advice isn’t exactly top tier.
The thing is Todd is actually a stellar surgeon, and throughout the show he does show some additional levels, even if it’s ever so briefly. Having him return would be a fantastic way to bring some additional depth to the character and show how he (perhaps) grew out of some of his former attitudes. You could still show a few elements to make it feel true to the show, but it would be amazing to see a much different and mature side of him after all these years.
Lucy Bennett: Kerry Bishe

Season 9 of the show introduced several new characters to the mix, and as J.D. and Elliot took a backseat, Lucy Bennett stepped into the lead role. Bennett was played by Kerry Bishe, and she would take over as the point of view character that allowed fans to see not just what was happening in reality but also her own dreams and visions of what might happen, and J.D. also served as a mentor for her at times during the season.
As with the person who is next on this list, Bennett might have been a key character, but she didn’t get a chance to really evolve that much over the course of the season since it was ended abruptly at 13 episodes after the rest of the season wasn’t picked up by the network. Her early bond with J.D. and encounters with Kelso would be good touch points for her in the reboot, and her point of view would be a welcome fit between the veterans of the show and the new characters in the mix.
Cole Aaronson: Dave Franco

Speaking of season 9, the other key character in the soft reboot season is Cole Aaronson, who is played by Dave Franco. Aaronson has one of the bigger arcs of the shorter 13 episode season, starting out as a relatively spoiled and self centered individual to someone who learns to appreciate the more important things in life after being diagnosed with melanoma.
Part of this equation is his off and on relationship with Lucy Bennett, though his dynamic with Dr. Cox and Turk are also a focus throughout the season. Aaronson and Bennett both overcome their own personal struggles as they reconcile their attraction for each other, and that is easily something that could be developed further in the reboot. It would also provide more opportunities for Aaronson to show his own personal growth while interacting with more of the original cast on a regular basis if it were to happen.
The Janitor: Neil Flynn

Well, this is the person everyone’s been waiting for, and you knew he was going to be on this list. The Janitor is pretty much considered part of the main cast thanks to his frequent moments of comedy gold throughout the series, and he was played by actor Neil Flynn across 166 episodes.
While The Janitor appeared throughout the show, his name wasn’t actually known until the season eight finale , which is Glen Matthews. Throughout his time on the show, Matthews constantly played pranks on J.D. and generally drove him crazy, and he was known for spinning more lies than truths in just about every conversation. Ironically his time at Sacred Heart would end after learning that J.D. had left, and he dropped his mop and vanished from the hospital right after.
That makes him a perfect character to bring back for the reboot. Not only is he a comedic goldmine, but it would also allow the show to bring more dimension to him if he returns because J.D. is back in some form or fashion. Throw in the new recruits and you’ve got even more opportunities for The Janitor to shine once more, and it would be difficult to see a reboot being as great without him.
Are you excited for the Scrubs reboot, and who do you want to see make a return? You can talk all things TV with me on Threads and Twitter @mattaguilarcb and on Bluesky @knightofoa!