28 years ago, Batman: The Animated Series first premiered on television. Featuring the voices of Kevin Conroy as Batman, Mark Hamill as The Joker, and dozens of others, the animated project would go on to become a fan-favorite of many. In fact, the series even serves as the first true appearance of Harley Quinn, appearing in the series a few months before her first comic book appearance was released.
Videos by ComicBook.com
It still holds its own nearly 30 years as fans can go back and binge the entire series on DC Universe and fans around the world have been celebrating the show’s 28th birthday all day on Twitter. In total, the series ran for 85 episodes and featured characters like Robin (Dick Grayson), Batgirl, Alfred Pennyworth, Jim Gordon, Harvey Bullock, Lucius Fox, Jonah Hex, Zatanna, Two-Face, Penguin, Catwoman, Riddler, Poison Ivy, Scarecrow, Clayface, and virtually the entire remainder of Batman’s rogue’s gallery.
Keep scrolling to see what fans are saying about the show on it’s 28th birthday.
On this day in history, 28 years ago, an animated series featuring the iconic Dark Knight premiered and started a television legacy. #BTAS#Batman pic.twitter.com/2KpJof9wwW
โ DC Animated (@DC_Animated) September 5, 2020
Best Batman Ever
Batman the animated series is 28 years old, still the Best Batman Ever, now watching!! #btas #batman #thegoddamnbatman #maskofthephantasm pic.twitter.com/56WQHktedl
โ Kaek (@Kaek_art) September 5, 2020
Favorite Version
Happy Birthday / Anniversary to my favorite version of #Batman ever! #BTAS https://t.co/HKGegCFwsX
โ ThatOneNerdRon (@raspiras8) September 5, 2020
Best Animated Series Ever
One of the greatest animated series ever! Incredible imagery & art style, phenomenal musical score & voice acting, and some of the best storytelling/character studies that cemented the Batman legacy. One of Television’s greatest treasures! #Batman #BTAS https://t.co/7aRRl1cFCP
โ ItsDefinitelyDan (@ItsProbablyDan) September 5, 2020
Not only is it #BatmanDay (happy 28th birthday, #BtAS) but I can have @RealKevinConroy give me directions on @Waze?! If @HamillHimself jumps in and screws with the map, Iโm gonna explode.
โ Andy Mack VO (@AndyMackVoice) September 5, 2020
Changed My Life
and legit changed my life. Happy #BTAS day!! https://t.co/yzB6Wy00T3
โ lucifina โฒ๐ธ๐ฆ (@lucifina__) September 5, 2020
Changed Pop Culture Forever
28 years ago, Batman: The Animated Series debuted on this day (Sept. 5, 1992) with “The Cat and The Claw, Part One.” Not only did it give us the definitive Batman, and begin the DCAU, but this series changed comics, cartoons and pop culture forever! #BatmanTAS #BTAS #DCAU #Batman pic.twitter.com/r2BTwuxNsu
โ The World’s Finest (@worldsfinest) September 5, 2020
Batman: The Animated Seriesย is now streaming on DC Universe.