Supergirl Cameo Cut From Batwoman Because of Coronavirus Lockdown

Sunday night's Batwoman season finale had no shortage of shocking moments. Alice (Rachel Skarsten) [...]

Sunday night's Batwoman season finale had no shortage of shocking moments. Alice (Rachel Skarsten) poisoning Mouse (Sam Littlefield) so she could continue her vendetta against her family, Jacob (Dougray Scott) double-crossing Batwoman, and perhaps the most shocking of all, the introduction of "Bruce Wayne" into the Arrowverse. But for all of the thrilling moments in "O, Mouse!" there was one that the episode had to leave out due to COVID-19: a cameo from Supergirl (Melissa Benoist). According to Batwoman showrunner Caroline Dries, the shutdown of production meant a nod to Kate and Kara's friendship had to be left out.

Speaking with TVLine, Dries explained that there was supposed to be a photo of Kate and Kara in Kate's library, but because production was shutdown they weren't able to shoot a photo of them together resulting in what would have been a fun Supergirl cameo simply not happening.

"Well, here is one of the COVID setbacks," Dries explained. "The frame that Kate swipes the kryptonite out of, that was supposed to be a picture of Kara and Kate. When I saw the cut it said, 'INSERT PICTURE OF KARA & KATE.' I was like, 'Guys, why is this still in the cut?' They said, 'We can't go and shoot a picture of them together, we're on lockdown.' So that was kind of a bummer, because I wanted to show that Kate had a picture of Kara in her library, because they're friends."

Kate's friendship with Kara is important, particularly when it comes to that piece of kryptonite. As we saw in "Crisis on Infinite Earths", after having been given it by another Earth's Bruce Wayne, Kate continues to hold onto at Kara's request. For Kate, that means she can't destroy it without speaking to Kara but if fans are hoping to see Kara pop over to Gotham next season, they may be disappointed. Last week, The CW announced that new seasons of their shows wouldn't debut until January and that Supergirl would be returning midseason -- meaning later in 2021. The schedule shift may make it impossible for even a mini crossover to occur.

"I don't think so," Dries said when asked if Kara might show up next season. "The way that the Supergirl production schedule is laying out, it doesn't really line up with ours. We're just going to have to imply it somehow."

Batwoman will return with new episodes in January of 2021.