Game of Thrones Prequel Series Tales of Dunk and Egg Gets Writer

After reports of a new Game of Thrones prequel TV show emerging earlier this year, Variety now claims that Tales of Dunk and Egg has scored a writer with Steve Conrad. With the initial reports about this project having emerged in January of this year, the outlet still notes that the project isn't officially moving forward and is still in the development stages, leaving fans to wonder if this project will prove more fruitful than other spin-off projects, as a Naomi Watts-starring series was ultimately scrapped. House of the Dragon, however, is set to premiere sometime in 2022.

While Game of Thrones covered a majority of the books in George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series of novels, this new prequel will explore the three novellas in the "Tales of Dunk and Egg" series, which takes place roughly a century before Game of Thrones. These novellas include 1998's "The Hedge Knight," 2003's "The Sworn Sword," and 2010's "The Mystery Knight." These stories were then collected into A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, with the stories following the adventures of Ser Duncan the Tall and a young Aegon V Targaryen, who are referred to as Dunk and Egg.

Given the sprawling landscape of Martin's fantasy world, it seems like there is limitless potential for exciting adventures to explore, whether based on Martin's stories or original experiences entirely. Interestingly, Martin himself has previously shot down reports of a Tales of Dunk and Egg TV show being developed, as he was interested in writing more novellas for their overall story.

"We're not doing Dunk & Egg. Eventually, sure, I'd love that, and so would many of you," Martin shared on his blog back in 2017. "But I've only written and published three novellas to date, and there are at least seven or eight or ten more I want to write. We all know how slow I am, and how fast a television show can move. I don't want to repeat what happened with Game of Thrones itself, where the show gets ahead of the books. When the day comes that I've finished telling all my tales of Dunk & Egg, then we'll do a tv show about them… but that day is still a long ways off."

Stay tuned for details on the future of the Game of Thrones franchise.

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