The series finale of Game of Thrones aired last week, and the show’s cast has continued to share delightful behind-the-scenes photos from the HBO series’ final season. The latest photo comes from Gwendoline Christie, the actor best known for playing Brienne of Tarth. Her new Instagram photo features her onscreen pals Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jaime Lannister) and Daniel Portman (Podrick Payne).
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“DAYS GONE BY,” she wrote. As you can see, the photo appears to show the aftermath of the Battle of Winterfell.
“Mum and Dadโค๏ธ๐ญ,” Portman replied. (Awe!) The actor also shared the photo to his own Instagram account with the following caption:
“Mercilessly stealing golden pictures from @gwendolineuniverse until the day I die… I think I was the only person who forgot to take a load of pictures. A lot of my time on the last season was spent in the company of these two generous, kind and hardworking human beings. I felt very lucky to be standing on the same ground as them. As you can see by my face… I was born to be in front of the camera,” he wrote.
Christie replied to his post with a bunch of kiss mark emojis. (Double awe!)
In addition to Portman, many others also commented on the photo, including one of the series’ producers.
“Words can’t express how much I love this pic,” producer Bryan Cogman replied.
“Ser Mom And Ser Dad with their adopted son. Love this trio,” @nat0625 wrote.
“Aaahhh oathkeeper fam,” @alecksnicole_ added.
“Oathfamily at their best!,” @sarahcostello17 replied.
Christie also recently shared a heartfelt goodbye to her character on Instagram. After the finale aired, an old video of the actor also resurfaced showing her predicting the series finale years ago. She was the true Three-Eyed Raven all along!
While she may be done playing Brienne of Tarth, Christie does have some movies in the works. You can catch her this year in The Personal History of David Copperfield, and next year in The Friend.
All eight seasons of Game of Thrones are available to stream on HBO.