It’s been a few years since Orphan Black aired its series finale, but the show has remained a beloved part of feminist science fiction. The BBC America series brought things to a pretty perfect close in 2017, but it sounds like the show’s cast will be joining forces once again. On Monday, BBC America announced that the cast will be reuniting for a virtual table reading, which will stream on the series’ official Facebook page on May 17th at 3/2 PM CT. The episode will span the sixth and seventh episodes of Season 1 – “Variations Under Domestication” and “Parts Developed in an Unusual Manner”, with those actual episodes being able to stream free on BBC America’s website for the next few weeks.
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Series star Tatiana Maslany will be reprising her Emmy-winning roles as Leda clones Sarah Manning, Alison Hendrix, Cosima Niehaus, and Helena for the live stream. Joining Maslany will be Maria Doyle Kennedy (Siobhan Sadler), Jordan Gavaris (Felix Dawkins), Kristian Bruun (Donnie Hendrix), Kevin Hanchard (Art Bell), Dylan Bruce (Paul Dierden), Evelyne Brochu (Delphine Cormier), Josh Vokey (Scott Smith), Michael Mando (Vic Schmidt), Inga Cadranel (Angela DeAngelis), Eric Johnson (Chad Norris) and Natalie Lisinska (Aynsley Norris).
Also joining the live stream are Maslany’s acting double Kathryn Alexandre, as well as series co-creators Graeme Manson and John Fawcett, executive producer Kerry Appleyard, writer Will Pascoe, and co-producer Mackenzie Donaldson.
Not only will the reunion provide fans a bit of comfort in the current COVID-19 pandemic, but it will be used to benefit a great cause, as it is timed to both Mental Health Awareness Month in May and International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Viewers of the reunion live stream are invited to donate to CenterLink, a charity supporting over 250 LGBTQ community centers globally, and Sistering, a charity helping at-risk women and trans people in need of support, resources and health care.
“We wanted to show love to Clone Club and help raise some money for people who are disproportionately affected during this difficult time,” series star Tatiana Maslany said. “In addition to raising funds, we hope that we can bring some joy to the fans, something intimate just for them, [to] make them feel connected to the Clone Club community even if we’re all far apart.”
This is just the latest continuation of the Orphan Black universe since 2017, with a sequel audio series called Orphan Black: The Next Chapter – which was narrated by Maslany – being released last year. An in-universe TV spinoff has been in the works at AMC since 2019, although no updates have been provided since then. The world of the series has also been explored in various comic miniseries.
Are you excited to see the Orphan Black cast reunite for a good cause? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!