The Walking Dead Season 10: Robert Patrick Guest Stars in “Classic Walking Dead” Survival Story

A search for supplies turns into a fight for survival when Father Gabriel (Seth Gilliam) and Aaron [...]

A search for supplies turns into a fight for survival when Father Gabriel (Seth Gilliam) and Aaron (Ross Marquand) cross paths with madman Mays (Robert Patrick) in the extended Season 10 of The Walking Dead. The Terminator 2: Judgment Day and Scorpion star is among the previously announced guest stars appearing in the zombie drama's six new bonus episodes set in the aftermath of the Whisperer War, where a blood-thirsty Gabriel avenged Siddiq (Avi Nash) when he viciously murdered Whisperer spy Dante (Juan Javier Cardenas). After silencing the Whisperers, faith will be broken and optimism fragmented when Gabriel and Aaron are put to the ultimate test in "One More."

"We get to see Aaron and Gabriel on just an old-fashioned Walking Dead survival story that tells us a lot about the state of Alexandria, which is going to be really, really important for the story going forward," executive producer and showrunner Angela Kang teased during The Walking Dead Extended Season 10 Preview Special.

When a drunken Gabriel and Aaron hunker down in a warehouse store, Patrick's rough-looking loner challenges Gabriel about his clerical collar. Antagonizing the priest with a taunt about using Bible pages as toilet paper, Mays counters Gabriel's faith and his belief about goodness: "Who are you trying to convince, Father? Me? Or you?"

"This is an episode I love. It's really a kind of back-to-the-basics survival story, very classic Walking Dead, just our people out in the world on a search for food. Just basic, basic stuff, but really, these characters get to get into some pretty deep philosophy about what's the state of the world, what do they believe, do they believe people are redeemable?" Kang said. "I think both Father Gabriel and Aaron have been on a journey that's interesting in terms of their worldview, so a lot of things come crashing in."

Kang continued, "Then Robert Patrick, who I've been a fan of forever, he came in to play this guest role and I think just the trio of them bouncing off of each other is something really special that I hope people will love to watch."

Off-screen, Gilliam said, Patrick is "very affable" and cracking with self-deprecating humor. When Patrick is playing Mays, "He is insanely intense when the cameras are rolling, and has a falcon-like focus. You just kind of get lost in his gaze before he strikes."

"I'm really excited about the episode that Seth and I did because we got to work with one of my favorite actors that I grew up watching. Working with Robert Patrick was, for me, just such a joy because I grew up watching him on Terminator 2, obviously, but then X-Files and Cop Land and so many other incredible programs," added Marquand. "And he was so much fun to work with, but he was also really captivating to work with because you could see the gears turning in his head. I'm really excited for the fans to see what he did."

"One More" premieres Sunday, March 14, on AMC.

Season 10 of The Walking Dead returns Sunday, February 28, on AMC. Follow the author @CameronBonomolo on Twitter for all things TWD.