WandaVision Star Kathryn Hahn Spills New Details on Her Mischevious Neighbor Role

In just a matter of hours, viewers will be checking out WandaVision, the inaugural Disney+ TV [...]

In just a matter of hours, viewers will be checking out WandaVision, the inaugural Disney+ TV series set within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In addition to continuing the journeys of Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) and The Vision (Paul Bettany), the series is set to introduce an array of supporting characters into the fold. One of the most intriguing members of the series' ensemble is set to be Agness (Kathryn Hahn), the "nosy neighbor" who will have a very specific impact on Wanda and Vision's domestic lives, especially within the context of the different decades of sitcoms. In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Hahn spoke about the unique challenge of channeling Agness, particularly through the tropes of the sitcoms the series was homaging.

"Well, with some shows, the reality is that you have to take things episode by episode. So I did have the luxury of knowing where everybody was headed; I got to know the whole thing," Hahn revealed. "As the decades hurdled by, the trick was to hold steady to something in the center, and that became really fun. Agnes' role, especially in a classic sitcom sense, is that neighbor who's always flopping over uninvited and offering advice. We know nothing about her own home life, and she's always complaining while at their house. There's such a legacy of those characters from so many shows, and it was really fun to research that trope."

Hahn previously spoke to ComicBook.com about playing a Marvel character within the context of a sitcom, arguing that a sense of tension happens when subverting the expectations of such an upbeat genre of television.

"I think even just the setup alone, taking something that is so comfortable and so familiar and so deep in our psyche as a traditional sitcom where you like... I know for me at least, there is something about the format of the setup, the misunderstanding the resolution, every single time, you know that you're gonna end in this comfortable place of just like, 'Ha!' with the laugh over it and just knowing that," Hahn explains. "So, even on just that level, knowing and feeling that that is, of course not all there is that there is something else happening underneath the comfort and safety of that trope. That tension is really, really, really interesting to me."

WandaVision is set to debut weekly on Disney+ beginning January 15th. If you haven't checked out Disney+ yet and you want to give it a go, you can do that here.

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