AJ Styles Reveals His Choices for WWE's Bullet Club

If WWE had their own version of the Bullet Club, AJ Styles revealed who he would want as part of [...]

If WWE had their own version of the Bullet Club, AJ Styles revealed who he would want as part of that group alongside of him. The Bullet Club continues to be one of the most popular factions currently in the ranks of New Japan Pro Wrestling, and the last few years has only seen the group rise in worldwide popularity and recognition. This has been especially true ever since AJ Styles broke his way through into WWE's roster of superstars. Talking with fans about the subject again on Twitch (as broken down by Wrestling Inc), Styles was asked who he would want in the Bullet Club from WWE's current roster of stars.

Detailing his picks, he was quick to suggest both Finn Balor and Adam Cole before struggling to come up with other names off the bat, "Well certainly, Finn is one of those guys...I'd have to throw Adam Cole in there as well. It's hard to know which guys I'd put in there; that's a tough question. It's not just what guys would get along, it's what guys you have stuff in common with. With Gallows and Anderson not there, that makes it really tough for me. I don't know who else."

Speaking of the Bullet Club and its ties to Balor, Styles once again reiterated that he was never the leader of the group, and Balor was the "true" leader who even came up with the name, "Every time we talk about the Bullet Club, I have to say that I'm not the leader and never was...Apparently, people don't want to hear that. Finn Balor was the guy that came up with the name for the group. So, if there's a true leader, it has to be him. Not only did he come up with the name, he was the guy that was first in charge."

(Photo: New Japan)

Elaborating further, Styles stated, "Literally, we just swapped. His last night was my first night, when I hit Okada in the back. We talked about this, the Bullet Club guys and I, and I told them we didn't need to have a leader. We could just do our own thing and everyone else follows. I didn't want to be like, 'I'm the guy, I'm the leader!' I didn't want to do that, but I think that's why we had so much fun, because everyone was important. Everyone had their place. We had fun with it."

WWE might never have its own version of the Bullet Club, but there's no reason why Styles could not work with Balor or Cole in the future! What do you think of the idea? Would you want to see WWE form its own version of the Bullet Club? Which superstars would you want to see in this faction? Let us know all of your thoughts in the comments!

via Wrestling Inc.