Charlotte Flair Eager to Be a Heel Again

Ric Flair has more world championships than moments he acted as a babyface. And as the daughter of [...]

Ric Flair has more world championships than moments he acted as a babyface. And as the daughter of The Dirtiest Player in the Game, Charlotte Flair knows that her truest wrestling persona is as a heel.

And she can't wait to be bad again.

In an interview with Busted Open Radio, Flair reveals that she is exponentially better as a villain.

"I feel like I've learned so much as a good guy, and I feel like if I ever get to go bad again, I could be ten times the performer. Now I know specifically what the other side needs. If I could go back and redo all of my matches with Sasha [Banks], because I feel like she was ahead of me mentally in the game—I still had a lot to learn—if I could go back and redo my first year, I would redo it in a heartbeat. There's so many things I would have changed and done better," said Flair.

Since moving to SmackDown, Flair has assumed the role of a hero. To her credit, she's actually done a nice job of winning fans over with smiles and woos. Even though she prefers being a heel, Flair says her best moment may have come as babyface.

"I guess I would have to say my match with Asuka because I thought there was a lot of pressure. The match wasn't extremely long; it was exactly what was needed, and I really felt like I made an impact that night. Not that I hadn't already, but I think that I had worked so hard on what needed to go into that match. Pushing things up a bit and committing to the babyface role—which I'm not as comfortable in as I am being a bad guy—I think now I've settled into it," said Flair.

Flair has been out several weeks following a surgery to repair ruptured breast implants but she is expected back sometime in August. while SummerSlam us on her mind, Flair is eager to compete at Evolution in October.

"I'm still thinking about Summerslam right now. [laughs] I want to be the main event, but again, it's an all-women's pay-per-view, and the card is extremely stacked. If people pay close attention, [WWE's catchphrase] is 'Then. Now. Forever.' I think we will have women from the past—obviously we have Lita and Trish [Stratus] confirmed—but no one knows what role they will be playing, as well as NXT being involved. My competitive nature, I want to be the main event, but I know I shouldn't be disappointed because there is going to be so much brilliant talent on the show that night," she said.

[H/T WrestleZone]