'Scream' Star David Arquette Gets Bloodied Up in Wrestling Deathmatch

Actor and part-time wrestler David Arquette lost a bit of blood during a wrestling deathmatch on [...]

Actor and part-time wrestler David Arquette lost a bit of blood during a wrestling deathmatch on Friday night.

Arquette, an actor best known for his roles in Scream and the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie, has recently returned to the squared circle as a part-time wrestler. Arquette infamously won the WCW World Heavyweight Champion back in 2000, an angle widely considered to be a major part of the WCW's demise.

In recent months, Arquette has tried to rehabilitate his wrestling image by participating in various indie events. Arquette is filming his comeback for a documentary that he considers to be an unofficial sequel to Ready to Rumble, the movie that initially got him involved in his infamous WCW World Heavyweight Championship run.

His most recent match was a deathmatch against Nick Gage, a deathmatch specialist. As is typical for deathmatches, the match featured a variety of weapons including light tubes.

Near the end of the match, Gage began to grind broken glass tubes into Arquette's forehead. At some point, Gage seemingly accidentally sliced open Arquette's neck. Arquette got out of the ring and seemed ready to leave, but then returned to trade blows with Gage. The match ended a few moments later and Arquette was rushed to the hospital by his actor friend Luke Perry.

You can see the gory moment below, but be warned that the video does contain blood. You can also see Arquette attempt to pin Gage while clutching his neck in an attempt to stop the blood loss.

Arquette later posted on Twitter that he was successfully stitched up and commented that death matches "weren't his thing."

While wrestling fans might still have a bad taste in their mouths about Arquette, there's no denying that he has a passion for the business and is willing to sacrifice his body to pay his dues in his quest to gain wider respect in the wrestling business. We wish Arquette a speedy recovery from his recent injuries.