Kofi Kingston Reacts to His Botched Royal Rumble 2022 Moment

Kofi Kingston's streak of incredible moments in Royal Rumble matches came to an unfortunate end during Saturday night's Royal Rumble pay-per-view. Kingston entered the match at No. 24, but only lasted 21 seconds before being kicked off the apron by Kevin Owens. He attempted to jump from the apron to the barricade and hold on without both feet touching the floor, but he couldn't quite make the distance and a replay showed both feet touched the ground.

Bryan Alvarez of the Wrestling Observer later tweeted out that Kingston was supposed to stay in the Rumble and that the move was a botch, scrapping plans for later in the match involving Big E. Kingston took to Twitter to react to the mistake.

Kingston spoke with the Huntington Herald-Dispatch last week about how much longer he'll intend on wrestling. The New Day member is one of the most decorated active stars on WWE's roster as a former WWE Champion, Grand Slam Champion and 13-time tag team champion. 

"Part of working smart is finding ways to entertain people. I realize part of the job is to put the body on the line," Kingston said. "Old-time legends come back and have that little arch in the back. Man, that's probably my future body. The body's not supposed to do what we have to do. The WWE Universe is amazingly supportive. I'm willing to make that sacrifice.

"I'll know when it's time, I've done all I can do," he added. "Not having fun anymore, when my body might give out or I might get fired tomorrow. All about the moment and enjoying the moment while I'm here. (If you're) thinking about the end, you're not enjoying this really unique experience. It takes away from the present. I'll treasure these days, cherish this part of life and try to enjoy it as long as I can."

He also commented on the Mustafa Ali situation while talking with CBS Sports — "It's kind of crazy because it's a really complicated industry. I feel for him. I feel for him because I understand the frustrations he's going through and I feel like somebody who is so incredibly talented should always be afforded the opportunity to shine. He hasn't really necessarily been given that. That is one of the most unfortunate natures of our industry. I don't know how to change that. It's been like that for quite some time. I guess we'll see where it all goes.

"I'm a firm believer in everything happening for a reason and when it's all said and done, he will have grown from this whole experience, for sure," he added. "I don't know where it's going to end. I don't know where it's going to go, but he'll always have my support in terms of my desire to want to see him do well because he is so incredibly talented, not just in the ring, but outside the ring too. As a person, someone who wants to have a major impact on the world. I'm hoping that he's able to find some peace in the situation and when all the cards fall..he's going to be fine regardless, but I hope he's able to find happiness at the end of it when it's all said and done with the light at the end of the tunnel. Regardless of what happens, there are going to be big things for him and his future."