Randy Orton Shows Off Gruesome Battle Wounds After Hell in a Cell

Sunday's Hell in Cell opened with 40 minutes of masochism as Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy attempted [...]

Sunday's Hell in Cell opened with 40 minutes of masochism as Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy attempted to ruin one another. While it was Hardy who was on the wrong end of a screwdriver spot and high-altitude belly flop, it was Orton who had a chunk of his leg removed.

Soon after his match with Hardy, Orton posted images of the damages he incurred inside WWE's sadistic structure. While the chair shots to his back left remarkable bruising, it was the gash in his leg that will have you squirming.

"No matter the outcome, they say you lose a small piece of yourself when you enter #HIAC @wwe," he wrote.

randy orton instagram wwe
(Photo: Randy Orton/Instagram)

We're not sure how this happened, but there was no shortage of weapons and sadistic moments in the match - it could have been anything. However, we do know here the stripes of bruises came from — series of unanswered chair shots from Hardy.

randy orton instagram hell in a cell
(Photo: Randy Orton/Instagram)

Hell in a Cell was a reminder that WWE can be very real. Even though all of the violence is planned and carefully executed, gravity is still gravity and a steel chair is still a steel chair.