Brock Lesnar Returns, Hell In A Cell Main Event Ends as a No Contest

To the surprise of absolutely nobody, Roman Reigns and Braun Strowman's clash for the WWE [...]

To the surprise of absolutely nobody, Roman Reigns and Braun Strowman's clash for the WWE Universal Championship headlined Sunday's Hell In A Cell PPV event in San Antonio. Mick Foley served as the special guest referee.

The match, which was contested inside the newly minted red cell, saw Strowman take the early advantage, driving the champion into the cell on the outside. He screamed at Reigns that he had nowhere to run and his boys (The Shield) couldn't save him.

Roman was able to change the tide of the match with some kendo stick shots on the outside, followed by some chairshots. Eventually, Braun caught the chair with his hands (these hands?) and charged at Roman in the corner. Reigns dodged him, and Strowman was sent into the ring post.

Reigns took this opportunity to go on offense, getting Strowman off his feet for the first time. He hit a DDT on to a chair and followed that up with a Superman Punch attempt. He hit it, but Strowman stayed on his feet. He hit a second, and Strowman was still on his feet. He went for a third, but Strowman caught him and hit a choke slam for a near fall. Well, actually it was a three count. Foley hit three on the mat, with Roman either kicking out late or Foley counting too fast. I'll go with the latter.

Shortly after, Roman hit another Superman Punch (the third) for another two count. On the outside of the ring, Reigns went for the spear but Strowman took him out via a shot with the steel stairs. In the ring, Strowman used the steps some more.

Strowman continued to bash Reigns with the chairs in the ring and screamed "why don't you stay down you moron?!" Strowman hit a running power slam for another near fall. Foley's counts continued to be a little awkward with the kickouts looking like they were coming late.

After Strowman set up a table in the corner, Reigns hit Superman Punch number four and five and then speared Strowman through the table. This lead to another two count. Ziggler and McIntyre then ran down to the ring and tried to get in the cell while some officials held them out. Rollins and Ambrose ran down for the save. They took out Drew and destroyed Ziggler in front of the announce position.

McIntyre then came back to Dolph's assistance. Ziggler climbed to the top of the cell as Rollins followed him. Ambrose and McIntyre fought ringside. Eventually, McIntyre followed them up and the two double teamed Rollins. Ambrose then climbed up with a Kendo stick. It should be noted Strowman and Reigns were just laying on the mat throughout all of this.

Ambrose cleaned house for a while and then was laid out (along with everyone else) after he and McIntyre got after it. Ziggler and Rollins climbed halfway down the cell, where they started exchanging punches. They threw each other into the cell and both fell off the cell and through the announce tables at ringside.

At this point, Lesnar's theme came on and he walked out to the ring with Paul Heyman. Brock demanded the referee open the cage. Brock eventually just kicked and pulled the door off and got in the ring. Heyman took Foley out, spraying something in his eyes. Brock used pieces of the broken table on both Strowman and Reigns. He gave Strowman and Reigns an F-5. Reigns was given it on top of Strowman. At that point, Brock walked off. A new referee came out and called off the match as a no contest.