Leukemia Charity Organization Debunks Theory of Roman Reigns' Cancer Being "Faked"

No industry is subject to more fan fiction than professional wrestling. And some within the WWE [...]

No industry is subject to more fan fiction than professional wrestling. And some within the WWE Universe think that Roman Reigns' miraculous recovery from leukemia was an elaborate plot in the name of watching his popularity spike, but that's a conspiracy the UK's Leukaemia Care was happy to take to the trash can.

While the rest of us were toasting to Reigns, some fans couldn't believe that Reigns thwarted leukemia in just five months. Citing his healthy appearance, some voices from social media expressed an unwelcome skepticism regarding Reigns' prodigal return. And Leukaemia Care is having none of it.

"Firstly, incredible news about Roman Reigns. Relapse is a scary reality for all leukaemia patients. Either fear of your cancer returning or having to face treatment for relapse. It's great to hear some positive news from a leukaemia patient," it wrote.

The account then went on to discuss the sort of takes it's been seeing on Twitter.

It then went on to clarify the kinds of cancer, and who it affects.

"The different types are key. Acute leukaemias are aggressive and need aggressive treatment to save a patient. Chronic leukaemias are incurable but treatable," the account added.

It went on to add that nobody really knows all the details here, and assuming anything about his health is the wrong way to go about things.

The account then went on to address some of the common questions folks have been posing in regards to how Reigns currently looks.

"Leukaemia can make you lose weight. Leukaemia can also make you gain weight," the account noted. "There is no one way that leukaemia SHOULD look."