John Cena Celebrates Roman Reigns' Leukemia Remission

Roman Reigns melted the wrestling world when he announced his leukemia had gone into remission. [...]

Roman Reigns melted the wrestling world when he announced his leukemia had gone into remission. And John Cena just joined the party.

Like several other WWE Superstars, Cena was thrilled to hear Reigns' road to recovery had reached a celebratory chapter.

"Real superheroes exist. Back and with strength and purpose! It's your yard, Roman. Your time is most certainly NOW!"

Cena is off filming another Hollywood project, so his toast to Reigns had to come remotely. Before the original leukemia announcement, Reigns had officially assumed WWE's throne as Universal Champion — a massive moment in the Cena-to-Reigns regime change. On top of amplifying the great news, Cena was happy to underline who WWE still belongs to.

Reigns address was a great moment, one that will only be topped by his in-ring return. But at this point, there's only speculation on when that may be. Reigns did make a point to throw water on a "WrestleMania" chant seeming to hint he's still a few months from a full return.

After his address, Reigns made his own video, his first since leaving WWE in October.

"I'm back, I didn't get enough," Reigns said. "I said it before, I'm going to say it a lot, thank you." And I didn't really get a chance because I'm not going to lie, I was nervous, and it was overwhelming just to hear the response and they actually cheered me. Crazy," he continued. "But I just want to say, I hugged the hell out of her out there, but I just wanted to say thank you to my mom, thank you to my family, thank you to my children, but most of all thank you to my wife. Along with everyone else that sent their support and prayers. I just don't feel like I would be in this position, feeling this good without all you guys. So, one more time and it's not the last time, but it's one more time. Thank you."