Undertaker Recalls the Miraculous Strength of Mark Henry

While a lot of WWE is based in hyperbole, Mark Henry being dubbed ‘The World’s Strongest Man’ was […]

While a lot of WWE is based in hyperbole, Mark Henry being dubbed “The World’s Strongest Man” was never an exaggeration. And every now and then, Henry would be called upon to use his super-human strength to make life easier for WWE Superstars.

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In an interview with Pastor Ed Young, The Undertaker told a story about Henry applying his legendary muscles to clear traffic during on a WWE’s overseas trips.

“When we travel overseas once we get to where we’re going we travel by bus. So you’ve got good guys on one bus and bad guys on the other. Anyway, we were checking out of a hotel one morning. We had a 4-hour drive to the next city we were going,” he said.

However, a poorly placed car was in the way of the WWE bus’ departure.

“But in front of the first bus was a car and the driver didn’t have enough room to pull out and we’re sitting there โ€” nobody can find out who owns this car and as everybody’s looking at their watch. Everybody’s worried ‘I gotta go to the gym, I gotta eat,’” he said.

Without needing a signal to flash in the sky, Henry volunteered his superpowers to move the car himself.

“Mark [Henry] gets wind of it. He goes, ‘I’ll handle it.’ Mark gets up goes off the bus, grabs a towel, goes to the back end of this car. He puts the towel underneath the fender well, he reaches under it, he picks it up, and he takes a couple steps and puts it down,” he said.

That would have been enough, but Henry made sure he finished to the job and move the car so both buses could leave.

“He looks at his hands, fixes the towel, hooks it again, and he picks it up and walks a couple more steps until we have enough of an angle that the bus could pull out. I was like, ‘What do you do with that?’ I’ve seen him take โ€” we were in Japan once and I have seen him take a nice piece of silver like a spoon you’d stir your coffee with and he twisted it like a pretzel. I’ve seen him take frying pans and bend them in half. It was just a gift that he was given that not many people have and he’s just the nicest guy in the world,” he said.

[H/T Ringside News]