Velveteen Dream, Ricochet and Aleister Black Win Amazing Halftime Heat Tag Match

Velveteen Dream, Ricochet and Aleister Black came away with a victory in Sunday's six-man tag team [...]

Velveteen Dream, Ricochet and Aleister Black came away with a victory in Sunday's six-man tag team match at the Halftime Heat event.

The action was fast and furious throughout the bout, but it looked like the heel trio had the match in hand when Tommaso Ciampa, Johnny Gargano and Adam Cole did a three-way Meet in the Middle finisher, but Black ran in at the last moment to break up the pin.

Moments later Dream found himself alone in the ring and tried to battle all three men, but got a double superkick for his troubles. A series of superkicks were thrown from all six men, culminating in Black hitting Black Mass on Both Gargano and Cole. Dream then hit Cole with a Dream Valley Driver, Ricochet hit a 450 splash and Dream hit the Purple Rainmaker for the win.

Sunday's special marked the first time WWE had held a Halftime Heat event since 1999, when Mankind defeated Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson to capture the WWF Championship in an Empty Arena match.

The match was announced by WWE Hall of Famer and NXT trainer Shawn Michaels at the Royal Rumble pre-show after the six men started to brawl once the cameras stopped rolling at NXT TakeOver: Phoenix.

The win caps off a solid week for Velveteen Dream, who not only won the Worlds Collide tournament involving wrestlers from NXT, NXT UK and 205 Live, but also captured the NXT North American Championship from Gargano at an NXT taping.

Michaels, who was ringside for the event as a special guest commentator, commented on Dream's potential by giving him high praise.

"To even compare that young man to me would be to limit his ceiling," Michaels said.