The Hardy Boyz First Tag Team Match Since 2019 Announced

Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy, aka The Hardy Boyz, have not wrestled as a tag team since April 2019. At the time, the pair had just won the SmackDown Tag Team Championships, but Jeff then suffered a leg injury during a match with Lars Sullivan that resulted in him getting pulled from TV and the two relinquishing the championships. Jeff went on to have two alcohol-related arrests during his recovery and wouldn't be back on TV until March 2020. Meanwhile, Matt was used less and less on TV until his contract expired in March 2020, after which he promptly signed with All Elite Wrestling and has been a member of their roster ever since. 

Jeff was suddenly released by the WWE back in December when, after a bizarre incident where he left a six-man tag team match at a Texas house show by walking through the crowd, he declined to attend rehab once again. While he has made a number of onscreen appearances on Matt's Twitch channel and new podcast, he hasn't gone into detail about what happened. 

However, on Thursday the New England-based promotion Big Time Wrestling announced that the pair would be teaming together for a match on March 12. Their opponents have not been confirmed as of yet. 

Not long after Jeff's release, Matt spoke about the situation on Twitch and indicated WWE might have jumped the gun in regards to letting "The Charismatic Enigma" go.

"What I am saying is Jeff is in the best place I've seen him in a very long time. As far as the details of what went down on that evening and in that match, I've talked with Jeff, I feel good about everything he said and that's Jeff's story to share. And he told me he will, when he's ready to," Matt said at the time. "But before anyone rushes to judgment, obviously they drug tested him after all this stuff, wait until you hear the results of that and when that comes back clean then hopefully people will feel better about it," he continued. "Because I feel very good about Jeff, I feel confident about Jeff. And WWE, I understand their stance too. They felt like they were backed into a corner because of his history. Even though they may have jumped the gun with this a little bit, they made a decision and it is what it is. Jeff did say he wasn't going to go to rehabilitation because he didn't feel he needed to. And I don't think he did either. That's the honest to God truth."