Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins Both Address The Street Profits' Possible Split in Separate Interviews

WWE has been hinting at a Street Profits breakup via its commentary team recently, possibly leading to both Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins competing as singles wrestlers in the near future. Both men recently commented on the rumors and speculation, with Ford talking with Wrestling Inc. ahead of Money in the Bank while Angelo Dawkins sat down with Corey Graves on the latest After the Bell Podcast. 

Ford, who has noticeably bulked up recently, talked about his childhood dream of wanting to be a world champion — "If the draft happens and they, you know, we're forced to go our separate ways, we're definitely going to keep that support there," Ford said. "Keep bringing it 100 percent. I know as a kid, speaking for myself, I've always had dreams of being a WWE World Champion That dream just never fades away man. You know, when you're here, I feel like if you're not trying to be the guy or the team, then what are you here for? You know besides the money. But still at the same time, like you want to create a legacy."

Meanwhile, Dawkins openly pushed back against the idea that if the pair split up then he'll just be left to wallow in obscurity. The Ohio native has been with WWE since 2012 but was unable to break out in NXT until he and Ford were paired up and repackaged as The Street Profits in 2017. 

"I'd be lying if I said I ain't hear all the talk on the internet," Dawkins said. "Like, especially about me and stuff like that. Like, obviously, I see it all the time with Tez. Tez is second-world, like, that dude's a freak of nature. That's my brother. I know he's good, I know he's talented. He's destined to become the World Champion. But then, on the other hand, I saw people talking about me like I'm like some scrub or whatever and I'm like, 'Oh, wait a minute, hold up. Like, oh, they must not know about me. Okay, cool', and it kind of like, that took me back to when I first started in a way."

Ford and Dawkins came up short in winning the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships at Money in the Bank, though Ford clearly had his shoulder up when the referee awarded the pinfall to The Usos. A rematch has been booked for SummerSlam on July 30, this time with a special guest referee.