WWE Raw: Sheamus vs. Humberto Carrillo Match Suddenly Ends Due to Possible Injury

This week's Monday Night Raw saw a match between Sheamus and Humberto Carrillo come to a sudden [...]

This week's Monday Night Raw saw a match between Sheamus and Humberto Carrillo come to a sudden end when it looked like the latter suffered a legitimate leg injury. Late in the bout, Carrillo attempted a Sunset Flip Powerbomb while diving over the ropes onto the floor. The United States Champion, unfortunately, landed right on Carrillo's legs during his fall, causing them to buckle. The match was promptly ended as trainers rushed to check on Carrillo.

After being shunted to Main Event since October, Carrillo looked like he was finally getting a chance on Monday Night Raw again by entering into a program with Sheamus, who was giving his own spin on John Cena's United States Championship open challenge concept.

Stay tuned for more updates on Carrillo's status as they become available.

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