How Does Rob Gronkowski's NFL Reunion With Tom Brady Affect the WWE 24/7 Championship?

Rob Gronkowski's sudden return to the NFL was made official on Tuesday as the All-Pro tight end [...]

Rob Gronkowski's sudden return to the NFL was made official on Tuesday as the All-Pro tight end was traded from the New England Patriots, the franchise he played for from 2010-18 before initially retiring, to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. And while his reunion with former Patriots quarterback Tom Brady was cause for celebration among certain NFL fans, it did leave the WWE somewhat in the cold. Gronkowski had just signed a deal with the company in March that reportedly involved him taking part in a couple of matches, and his time as the host of WrestleMania 36 resulted in him winning the WWE 24/7 Championship. But now that he's pivoting back to football, the odds of him appearing in a WWE ring again are pretty slim, at least for a while.

So what are WWE's options? The easiest choice would be for him to film a title change, most likely a roll-up from his real-life friend and former 24/7 Champ Mojo Rawley. They could also have him pop up on WWE television one more time (they could sell it as a "farewell") where he'd drop the title.

But let's try and go with a crazier route, since that seems to be the norm in WWE lately. It's possible that they let Gronkowski stay 24/7 Champion heading into the 2020 NFL season. You could have him lose and win back the championship dozens of times by getting pinned other players. Remember those pre-game "matches" the Milwaukee Bucks used to do? Now imagine that in an NFL setting with an actual championship getting passed around.

Is it goofy? Of course it is! But comedy bits from guys like R-Truth and Drake Maverick were what made this championship a hit in the first place, so why not keep that going here?

Heck, some WWE wrestlers are already pitching similar ideas:

As of Tuesday, Gronkowski's reign as champion has technically reached 27 days (based on when WrestleMania 36 was taped). Ironically, that means he's already the fourth-longest reigning champ in the title's history.

Other personalities from the sports world to hold the title include Enes Kanter, Kyle Busch and Rob Stone.

What do you think WWE should do with Rob Gronkowski's 24/7 Championship reign? Let us know in the comments below!