Lords Of Fallen 2 Director Fired As The Scope Of The Game Is Scaled Back

Back in 2014 publisher CI Games released Lords of the Fallen, a solidly-received action-heavy take [...]

(Photo: CI Games)

Back in 2014 publisher CI Games released Lords of the Fallen, a solidly-received action-heavy take on the Dark Souls formula. Shortly after it was released, it was announced Lords of the Fallen 2 was in the works, but then the project went completely quiet. Well, unfortunately, it seems Lords of the Fallen 2 has fallen on hard times.

Recently, Lords of the Fallen 2 director Tomasz Gop announced he'd been fired by CI Games, and didn't paint a pretty picture when Eurogamer reached him for comment.

"I was let go because of a reduction in team, in scope, in budget, in business approach. Almost two years I've been working on the sequel, and I have not seen it leave the concept/vision stage. I was working on something I was really 100 per cent into and we were not producing the game.

There came a time when Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 was the most important thing for CI Games, the next big hit. It also might have been the reason why Lords of the Fallen 2 was not progressing as fast. Of course, it's common knowledge that [SGW3] didn't go exactly according to plan, especially if it goes for sales. And here we are."

As Gop mentions, CI Games was hit hard when the ambitious Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 was rocked by scathing reviews and disappointing sales. As a result, CI Games boss Marek Tyminski has declared his company is getting out of the "triple-A" game business. Tyminski clarified what that means for Lords of the Fallen 2

"What we said about departing from triple-A: it means that we can really focus on the quality of our products, [rather than scale.] It goes for the Lords of the Fallen sequel as well. It doesn't mean that we are not continuing with Lords of the Fallen - we definitely have that game in our plans and we definitely want to make this a great game. We're very serious about Lords of the Fallen the sequel. We have a very small team working on Lords of the Fallen sequel."

So, don't expect Lords of the Fallen 2 any time soon, although CI Games won't fade quietly into the night. They still plan to release smaller games on a yearly basis. Meanwhile, Tomasz Gop has a new job at Destructive Creations, developers of the controversial shooter Hatred. Hoo boy.

[via Eurogamer]