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If you aren’t a comic book reader, you probably don’t get why the person next to you — who is — jumped and yipped. Here’s why.
Grodd is a gorilla.

Okay, so Grodd is a longtime Flash villain. He’s a hyperintelligent gorilla with abnormal strength and reflexes. In the comics, he got his powers from meteorite exposure, along with another gorilla named Solovar, who is king of a whole culture of superintelligent gorillas.
(Yay, comics!)
Grodd has been a major nemesis of the Flash ever since Barry Allen took the job; he first appeared in 1959’s Flash #106.
So…yeah. This is a show that isn’t “grounded” and “gritty” like Arrow or even the relatively metahuman-lite Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. This is a show that’s teasing an evil, talking gorilla in its pilot.
God bless The Flash.