Andy opens a safe in Diggle’s home, removes and loads a gun. Dig finds him, and they reveal that Dig told Andy where to find the gun, so Andy would feel safe. Andy is scared that H.I.V.E. knows about him, and reveals that Merlyn wants Andy’s help.
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Diggle and Andy fill in the rest of the gang in the bunker, on Merlyn’s plans to steal some missiles. Ollie looks at the idol, they have stored now, and admits to having seen it on Lian Yu.0 He’s worried that Merlyn wants to steal the idol. Diggle suggests using Andy as a double agent with H.I.V.E. Ollie is unsure about that, he’s not convinced Andy can be trusted. They see on the TV that Ruve Adams has been elected Mayor.
Ollie, Laurel, and Thea attend Ruve’s acceptance speech. A member of the press tells Ollie that he received 40% of the write-in votes. Ruve approaches the gang and offers Laurel a promotion, to District Attorney.
Flashback, Ollie tries to talk to Taiana about the need to kill people. She looks at a photo of herself and her brother as children and remembers happier times. Ollie told her that he no longer looks at the photo he carries from his old life. The person Taiana was before the island would not survive it. She gets to her feet and agrees to fight.
Spartan and The Green Arrow sit in their van, waiting for the Ghosts to come for the missiles. Laurel and Thea remain in the bunker. The ladies discuss Laurel’s job offer and Merlyn’s involvement with H.I.V.E. Thea refuses to call him “Dad,” something Merlyn notices when he walks in, accompanied by several men dressed as members of the League of Assassins. He’s there for the idol.
The missile robbery begins, with Green Arrow and Spartan giving chase.
Laurel fights the men while Thea follows Merlyn, who quickly finds the idol. Thea fights him.
With Andy’s help, Green Arrow and Spartan stop the robbery easily. Too easily, which does not escape Green Arrow’s notice.
Thea and Merlyn continue fighting, with her gaining the upper hand and pinning him down, two blades to his throat. She hesitates, and Merlyn gets free. Meanwhile, Laurel wins her fight and tracks down Thea. But Merlyn and the idol are gone.
Ollie and Dig return to the bunker and learn what happened. Thea is furious and goes to hit the street in the hopes of finding Merlyn. Ollie does not want to use Andy further, but Dig is insistent. Ollie and Laurel talk privately, she can see that he suspects Andy. Laurel tells Ollie to be positive before he does anything that could fracture his friendship with Dig. They are interrupted by a call from Lance.
Taiana goes to where several soldiers are guarding the prisoners. She sobs about something horrible happening in the cave, and two of the men go to the cave to check, where Ollie is waiting. Taiana takes out the third man and grabs the keys, releasing the prisoners from their cages.
Lance and Laurel eat at a Chinese restaurant. She’s tempted to take the D.A. job, so that she can be a spy in Ruve’s inner circle. Lance points out that the D.A. has 24 hour security, if she takes it she can’t be The Black Canary anymore. He’s glad she’s The Black Canary and wants her to continue.
Ollie and Diggle find Thea sharpening a blade, still furious. Andy calls them, he’s found Merlyn and some of his followers in a factory.
Green Arrow, Spartan, and Speedy join Andy at the factory. As they look for Merlyn, Green Arrow and Andy get separated from the group and a booby trap sends arrows flying at them. Andy jumps in front of The Green Arrow, taking an arrow to the shoulder.
Merlyn visits Darhk at Iron Heights, bringing him the idol. They apparently have a deal that if Merlyn helps Darhk, Merlyn and Thea will be spared from Genesis. Darhk points out that a piece is missing, and the idol is therefore useless. He sends Merlyn to find the missing piece.
Diggle tends to Andy’s shoulder. Andy is terrified now that he has been compromised. Diggle tries to calm Andy by revealing that they removed a piece from the idol and that Dig himself hid it. They are interrupted by The Green Arrow, who stops Dig from telling Andy where the hiding place is. Laurel decides to use her power as A.D.A. to have Darhk’s cell searched. Green Arrow sends Thea and Diggle ahead while he runs down a lead and tells Andy to go home.
Taiana and Ollie continue to shoot down Reiter’s men. They send the prisoners to the boats, but Ollie wants to set a trap for Reiter.
Laurel watches as Darhk’s cell is searched. Darhk is calm, knowing they won’t find anything. He vaguely threatens Laurel, and accuses Lance of having dementia. Laurel’s not frightened.
In John’s home, Andy searches. The Green Arrow shows up and accuses Andy of looking for the missing stone. Andy insists that he’s just checking for bugs, but The Green Arrow does not believe him and attacks, hurting Andy. Dig shows up and threatens to shoot The Green Arrow. Green Arrow backs off, and Dig sends him away.
In the bunker, Dig and Ollie argue about Andy while Thea watches. Ollie just doesn’t think Andy can come back from what he was. Dig blames Ollie’s behavior on his break-up, accusing Ollie of being stuck. Thea tries to comfort Ollie, when Laurel arrives. She didn’t find the idol. They watch the Iron Heights security camera feed.
Murmur pushes a cart of books through the prison, handing books to several inmates in their cells.
Ollie admits he should have listened to Laurel about how to handle Andy. She tells him that she is turning down the D.A. position so she can continue to be part of the team. Ollie tells her the team is falling apart. He also reminds Laurel she was working to be D.A. until Sara death changed her mission. Now that Sara isn’t dead anymore, she should go back to her old dream.
In Iron Heights, the cell doors open. Murmur brings Darhk the idol, hidden on his book cart. The books he gave out had knives in them. The prisoners riot, stabbing some guards and taking others hostage.
The team finds out about the riot in the bunker. Laurel looks at her mask and says “One last time.”
Lance drives up to Iron Heights and causes a scene with the police, insisting on seeing Pike. As Green Arrow, Spartan, Black Canary, and Speedy look on, Lance punches Pike, causing the distraction they need to get inside. Andy joins them, insisting on proving himself. They split up.
Murmur and several prisoners engage Black Canary and Speedy in a fight, while Spartan and Andy also fight with prisoners. Merlyn finds Speedy and Black Canary moves on as Father and daughter fight once more.
Darhk is aware the heroes are in the prison. He orders the hostages killed, but Green Arrow, Spartan, Black Canary, and Andy all show up and begin fighting the prisoners waiting with Darhk.
Still fighting in the hall, Merlyn pins Speedy against the bars of a cell. He says that the lost blood lust is why she can’t kill him, it damaged her to lose it. He runs away.
Andy is taken hostage by a prisoner. Darhk orders the heroes to drop their weapons, and they do. As soon as The Green Arrow, Spartan, and Black Canary are captured, Andy is released. He hands Darhk the missing stone, having been working for H.I.V.E. the whole time. Darhk puts the idol back together, only to take two arrows in the torso, courtesy of Speedy.
The fight starts again as Darhk removes the arrows and holds his bloody hands to the idol. There’s not enough blood, so Darhk shoots at a wounded prisoner on the ground and uses his blood to regain his magical powers. He magically grabs all the heroes, holding them in place.
Merlyn arrives just then. Darhk reveals that he knows all the heroes’ real identities. Not from Merlyn, but from Andy, who gave up Spartan’s identity as his brother. From there, Darhk was able to determine who the others were. He casts Spartan and Speedy aside, they crash into a wall, before turning on The Black Canary.
The Green Arrow gets enough control of himself to shoot an arrow at Darhk, but Darhk catches the arrow and recaptures The Green Arrow. Darhk tells The Black Canary to give her father a message, then stabs her with the arrow. Darhk, Merlyn, and Andy all escape.
The Green Arrow lifts The Black Canary and runs her to the infirmary. He finds a doctor who agrees to help, but she sends The Green Arrow away before he can be found.
As Ollie and Taiana set up explosives to trap Reiter in the cave, she asks about the picture from his old life that Ollie mentioned earlier. Ollie hands her a picture of Laurel, and says that before the island, Laurel was home to him. She asks him to go to Russia and tell her family what happened to her and Vlad if she dies.
And offers to do the same with Laurel if Ollie doesn’t survive.
In the cave, Reiter and two of his men are with the idol when they hear the explosion trapping them. Reiter is unconcerned, and kills his men, using their blood to draw power from the idol.
At police headquarters, Lance is in a chair, cuffed to a desk. A female cop fills him in on The Black Canary’s injury, and he begs her to put him in touch with Pike. He’ll surrender himself back in, but he has to go now.
Ollie waits at the hospital as Dig, Thea, and Felicity show up. Thea reveals that along with Darhk, around fifty prisoners escaped. Diggle blames himself for believing Andy and can’t forgive himself. The gang watches as Laurel is wheeled into a room, the same Doctor from the prison tells them that she will be okay and is asking for them.
In her hospital room, Laurel asks about Darhk, but they all encourage her to rest. She told them that she had planned on it being her last night as The Black Canary, but changed her mind. Fighting with them is what makes her feel alive. Felicity, Thea, and Dig all tell Laurel that they love her and leave her with Ollie.
Laurel tells Ollie to rest too, but he won’t leave. She asks him to bring something from her pouch. It is the same picture of her that Ollie carried on Lian Yu. She wants Ollie to find his way back to Felicity, and tells him that she knows she is not the love of his life, but he was always the love of hers. She asks Ollie for a favor.
Thea tells the gang she talked to Lance and he is on the way, when Laurel starts coding. The gang follows the doctors into Laurel’s room, where she is having a seizure. They join Ollie and watch helplessly as Laurel is given CPR and the paddles, but it is no good. Her heart stopped. The doctor calls the time of death, 11:59.
The whole gang sobs as Ollie walks into the hallway, stunned. Lance hurries down the hall, but one look at Ollie’s face and he knows. Lance sinks to the ground as the two men stare at each other, crying.