Five episodes down, five to go. We’re halfway through the sixth season of Game of Thrones, and it’s been a strange journey. There’s been dragon chats, resurrections, flashbacks, and even some old lady parts we never wanted to see. There’s especially been a lot of death…and talking.
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While some story-lines have been a little dull, the majority of the season has been exciting. Anyone who thought things were slowing down was treated to a rude awakening at the end of last weeks episode, and it looks as though the show won’t let up any time soon. It seems as though we’re going to get some crazy moments over the course of the next five episodes, but let’s not forget the ones we’ve already had.
We’re going to count down the top ten moments of this Game of Thrones season, so far. If it wasn’t obvious already, there are major spoilers in this article. If you’re not caught up on GoT, I’d hold the door on reading this one. See what I did there? I’m sorry if that made you cry. Really, please stop crying. I didn’t mean it. Oh well, let’s get to it!
10. Drinking and Knowing Things

When most characters talk for minutes on end, it’s a total bore. When Tyrion Lannister talks, however, it’s incredible television. He’s had some great dialogue throughout the series, but his words this season have been exceptional.
The scene that stands out most is the deal with the slavers. Tyrion read every face in that room, and reacted accordingly. Choosing calculated and sharp words caused every mind to be captured by his wit. He found a way to please both owners and slaves, a feat even the leaders of our great country couldn’t do without a war. It’s rare that someone could step in and rule in Dany’s stead, but Tyrion has done a fantastic job.
While it came from a different conversation, Tyrion also gave us one of the most memorable lines of the season. While explaining to the other members of the Queen’s council exactly what it was he had in mind, Dinklage delivered one of his greatest lines to date. “That’s what I do. I drink, and I know things.” Delivered with such confidence, viewers were cheering audibly at Tyrion’s cocky retort.
The writers have done an incredible job with these conversations, but Peter Dinklage’s masterful delivery is really what sets them apart. I could listen to Tyrion Lannister banter his way to the Iron Throne, and wouldn’t be bored for one second.
9. What Brothers Are For

When Theon returned to the Iron Islands, we really had no clue what to expect. After everything he had been through, there was no telling what his play was back home. After the death of his father (an honorable mention for this list), all eyes were on Theon when Yara’s leadership was questioned.
As his eyes got watery, and we saw that typical Reek look on his face, Theon prepared to speak. What we went on to hear was a perfect monologue endorsing his sister for the Queen of the islands. “She is your rightful ruler” Theon proclaimed with an arm outstretched toward his sister. It was a powerful moment, and the speech was delivered with undeniable passion.
Theon and Yara’s relationship is finally starting to become one that we want to see continue to unfold. Now that they’ve taken the Iron Fleet, I feel they will become one of the main story-lines throughout the remainder of the season. We’re not sure where they’re headed yet, but it’s nice to watch the bond of siblings grow into something much deeper. But not the Lannister kind of bond, we’ve had enough of that.
8. Tower of Joy

Bran’s flashbacks have been an incredible way for us to see what’s happened in the past. We’ve heard the tales of Ned Stark’s life, but have never had the chance to see them unfold. The best of these flashbacks had to have been watching Ned and his men take out the Targaryen knights at the Tower of Joy.
We had heard that Ned had taken out a famous knight on his own, but watching this scene taught us that we were wrong. Ned had some help, and it was great to watch the young warrior lead a band of Northern men. Easily one of the best sword fights in the last couple of seasons, this gave us a taste of how cool a prequel series could be.
The other fascinating part of this flashback was the scream of Ned’s sister in the tower. We know it was her up there, but no one was certain about why she was screaming. Many speculate, and we all hope, that it was the true birth of Jon Snow. Many theories suggest he isn’t Ned’s son at all, and this scene gave us a possible hint that he isn’t. Hopefully, Bran will continue these flashbacks and give us more info on his family’s history.
7. Drinking and Knowing Things…And Dragons

I know we already covered Tyrion’s awesome dialogue in #10, but he had one more scene that just topped all the others. His time in the dragon den was one of the mostย poignant and powerful moments of the season, and it was certainly the most well-acted.
Knowing he would have to rely on the dragons’ help in the future, Tyrion decided it was now his turn to be the breaker of chains. He talked of how dragons can sense who is an enemy, and how pissed they are about being chained up; we sat wondering how he would handle it. Full of fear, Tyrion walked down into the dungeon and interacted with the beasts. Watching his face throughout that entire scene was breathtaking, and the CGI interaction was flawless. Taking off their chains was a simple gesture, but watching him do it was a thing of beauty.
What I loved most about this scene was the subtle hint of freedom at the end. When Dany chained the dragons the first time, there was a focus on her rolling the stone in front of the door. It wasn’t just a part of the scene, they intentionally showed the door closing. This scene ended with the same shot, but an open door. They might have closed the door after the camera had gone away, but that kind of parallel can’t be unintentional. It was a perfect cinematic choice by the director, and it teases more dragon interaction later this season.
6. Hang ‘Em High at Castle Black

Last season ended with one of the toughest scenes for any fan to swallow. Watching Jon Snow murdered by his own men was a mutiny for the ages, and it broke all of our hearts. We all thought he would be back, but it still didn’t make the scene easier to watch. While his return to life is the scene we were most waiting for, seeing Jon get his revenge was a close second.
After regaining control of Castle Black, Jon ordered the hanging of the mutineers. Seeing the three men at the gallows was intense, but panning over to Olly was damn-near hurtful. We couldn’t stand him, but knowing Jon was about to execute a kid was tough. They each had a chance to say their final words, and Alliser Thorne’s were the best of the bunch. “If I had a chance to do it all over, knowing where I’d end up, I pray I’d make the right choice again….I fought, I lost, now I rest.” Powerful words from a man at the gallows, and it almost gave him a moment of redemption. It’s clear he was doing the right thing in his eyes, but you killed Jon Snow, dude. We all hate you.
Alliser’s final words were strong, but Jon’s were extraordinary. After handing over the position of Lord Commander to his loyal pal, Eddison, Jon marched away from the gallows and gave us one of his best quotes. “My watch is ended.” Chills. I have all the chills.
5. Ramsay, Son of Jason

Ladies and gentlemen, we now have a true serial killer on our hands. There is a lot of death and murder on this show, but nothing comes close to the twisted mind of Ramsay Bolton.
We saw his prolific art of torture as he broke Theon a couple of seasons ago, but his hunger for power has now turned him into a stone cold killer. Seriously, the guy belongs in a slasher flick. We knew his father was questioning his competence, but none of us saw that knife coming. With one swift motion, Ramsay had slain his father and become Warden of The North. If that wasn’t enough, he fed his mother-in-law, and her infant son, to the dogs out back. We could see unfolding, but there was nothing we could do to stop him. His parents were one thing, but slaying an innocent baby was terrible, even by Ramsay’s standards.
This scene elevated Ramsay to Joffrey Baratheon status, and he has become the most terrifying villain in the series. He followed the heinous act up with the murder of Osha, and the brutal Bastard Letter. We knew Ramsay was awful, but he’s become so much more than some twisted bastard. He’s now one of the most dangerous players in the Game of Thrones.
4. Reunited At Last

The relationship between siblings has always been a huge theme throughout this series, but this season has seen it rise substantially. We already talked about Theon and Yara’s love becoming a great point of interest, but Jon and Sansa finally reuniting has to take the cake.
Ever since the death of their father in season one, we’ve all been waiting to see the Stark children back together. Each of them has always known so much that the others don’t, and it has been clear that they would be a powerful force together. Many times, the siblings have just missed each other, causing frustration among viewers. This season finally saw two of the Starks together again, ready to take on the world.
As a fan, this moment was huge, no matter how it was executed. Luckily for us, the directors and actors made the moment almost perfect. Sansa and Jon were probably the two most different Stark children, but they now know how important family is. Watching them realize what they have in each other as they finally reunited was a beautiful thing. As many crazy and twisted things are happening around their world, everything felt okay in that moment. It felt like we were starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and the Starks would soon be a force to be reckoned with, once again.
3. Fireproof….Again

At the end of season one, we saw Daenerys Targaryen emerge, untouched, from a massive fire. This season, we saw almost the exact same thing, just with a lot more murder. It seemed like a cop-out, but the point it made allowed it to still be a powerful scene.
By killing all of the Dothraki leaders, and walking out of a burning building, Dany instantly earned the respect of an entire army. She needed a way to get back to Mereen, and what a re-entrance she will make. Not only will the queen return, but she will be bringing an army that will double her forces in size.
Again, we thought Dany had been backed into a corner, and again she burned her way out of it. I really don’t want to see the same thing done a third time, but I know this scene was necessary and well-executed. Now that she has an army, let’s see her get those boats and march to Westeros. And, please, not with the help of that Greyjoy idiot.
2. Here’s Jonny!

We all knew it was coming, but it didn’t make the moment any less incredible. Watching Jon Snow inhale at the end of episode two was a thing of beauty.
Everyone thought that the Red Woman would be the one to resurrect Jon, and we were all right. Normally, Game of Thrones isn’t one to be predictable, but it’s okay in this instance. We wanted Jon back, and it didn’t matter how they made that happen. The spell might have been extremely drawn out, but the payoff was well worth it.
The resurrection itself was powerful, but watching Jon interact with Castle Black was nothing short of extraordinary. Seeing him speak with Davos, watching him walk out onto the balcony, even seeing him reunite with Eddison was awesome. Every moment about Jon’s return was mesmerizing television, and they could have spent an entire episode on just that. Now, if only another Stark can make their return….
Honorable Mentions

Before we look at our number one moment, there were a few others that just missed the top ten. These scenes were all brilliant, and they deserve some recognition as well.
-The murder of Lord Greyjoy at the hands of his brother.
-Lord Umber’s surprise arrival at Winterfell, bringing Rickon Stark and the head of his Direwolf (I know, this one hurt.)
-Arya getting her sight back (maybe the only interesting thing to happen in this particular story-line)
-Brienne of Tarth showing up to rescue Sansa and Theon
-The death of The Prince of Dorne at the hands of his sister-in-law
-Mountain Smash! (Watching the Mountain splatter a man against a wall was just ridiculous. Same with the giant at Castle Black. Kudos to the special effects team)
-Creation of the White Walkers
-Old Red Woman (I don’t wanna talk about it, either)
-Tormund Hitting on Brienne (I seriously can’t wait to see more of this)
The sheer amount of memorable scenes in this season are just a testament to how incredible of a show this really is. Every time we turn around, something brilliant is happening. Each episode is packed with great scenes, but it’s the most heartbreaking that takes the cake.
1. Hold The Door

It’s no surprise that the epic conclusion of episode five tops our list. It was one of the most powerful scenes of the series, and it brought many fans to tears. If I’m being really honest, I’m tearing up just thinking about.
Hodor has been a simple, but beloved character ever since season one. A loyal friend of the Stark family, he has been carrying Bran around ever since he lost the use of his legs. We’ve always wondered where Hodor got his name, and why it’s all he can say. This scene gave us both of those answers, and taught us that Hodor is one of the most dedicated beings in the entire series.
Using time travel more effectively than most other series, Game of Thrones showed us that Hodor has been chanting “Hold The Door” ever since he was a teenager. He knew the phrase was important, and he spent his entire life making sure he wouldn’t forget it. With Bran on the verge of being taken by the enemy, Hodor stepped in and put his strength to one final test. He held the door shut as Bran escaped, and it cost him his life. Even as he was being torn apart, Hodor didn’t budge. Se stood his ground, and he held the door. Not only did he save Brandon Stark, but he may have saved all of Westeros with this one act. His entire life was devoted to one thing, and watching him fulfill his duties was one of the most heartbreaking scenes in all of television. “Hold the Door” will forever be a phrase etched in our hearts, and we may never forgive George RR Martin for taking such a wonderful life away.
The best thing about this list is that it only covers the first five episodes. There is still half of a season to go, and it’s sure to be filled with even more moments like these. What did you think of our list? Any moments we missed? Do you think they will top “Hold The Door” at some point this season? Let us know in the comments below!