Harley Quinn has become an immensely popular character since originally debuting on the small screen in Batman: The Animated Series. With multiple ongoing comics, relationships that have grown with characters beyond just the Joker, and a unique take on the anti-hero now well-established, she’s poised for her next adventure, on the big screen in Suicide Squad. While Harley has had many looks in her relatively short existence, none of those were translated directly to the big screen, with a new design showing up for Margot Robbie’s version. As the crew of the film revealed to select press during a set visit last summer, that was a difficult decision to come to.
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“She has so many iconic looks, so we really had a challenge,” Producer Richard Suckle told Comicbook.com on the set. “[Harley] has become the most popular, if not successful female character in the DC [Comics] world.”
Indeed, the Harley Quinn ongoing series has been a consistent best-seller for DC Comics, usually outselling everything that’s not named “Batman.”
“You have so many different ways in which you could dress her, and it was almost sad to actually have to say – as much as we want her to be wearing, let’s say, the one piece suit, that’s not really right for what we’re doing in this movie. But we’ve designed it; she put it on. Just going through her hair, makeup, and wardrobe tests was a real treat,” Suckle revealed. “We tried so many different things and so many different things that would be iconic that hopefully will live in other films, if we’re lucky enough to make other films.”
Suckle went on to say that they tried “more for her than any other character” when it came to looks, which costume designer Kate Hawley elaborated on.
“It’s been an amazing transition, seeing Margot become Harley,” she said, consistently praising the work that Robbie did on the character. “We’ve had so many prototypes of outfits for her.” While Harley will appear in multiple outfits throughout the film, especially due to her backstory being the major source of flashbacks for the film (that’s where you’ll see most of The Joker’s scenes), you’ll see some of her classic looks at least get a wink and a nod.
“The Jester suit has such an amazing powerful quality to it. We’ve built it. We’ve built that and we actually put it on Margot and she looked amazing,” Hawley teased. While we won’t see her in the suit in the film, there’s “this homage made to that very garment.” When the Squad are “putting on their murdering suits, as they call them, because when they put them on people die. Harley’s sitting there pulling out – you’ll see a moment where she’s pulling out all her corsets, so we quote every comic variation of her. It’s her dress-up box. I’m sure that jester suit’s going to come into it, because none of us can leave it alone.”
Suckle teased that things like their costume tests, since they were so elaborate (especially for Harley) could wind up on the home release later, as well.
Suicide Squad hits theaters August 5, 2016.