While some characters on The Walking Dead have managed to escape the reaper multiple times (looking at you, Glenn), he comes for all of us eventually. For many, the writing has been on the wall for a while now and by wall, we really mean the pages of Robert Kirkman’s original comics.
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Several characters have managed to dodge their comic book death when adapted to television. While most characters ultimately met their doom soon after the originally expected departure (see: Tyreese), some have survived much longer than their black and white counterparts and are still kicking heading into the seventh season.
Variations are nothing new to The Walking Dead when it is brought from page to screen. That said, some of the changes are often corrected later. For example, the Governor sliced Tyreese’s head from his shoulders prior to his raid on the prison in the comic books while television saw Hershel’s demise in those moments, instead. Ultimately, though, Tyreese would meet his doom after having very little impact on the plot despite surviving the death he was rightfully owed.
As we run through a list of characters who were killed off in the comics despite continuing to have a pulse on television, be warned, this does mean major spoilers for the comics follow.

Perhaps the biggest divide from the comics (aside from Andrea not only being alive but also being a bad-ass) is Carol’s character. On Robert Kirkman’s pages, Carol never evolved into Rambo. Instead, she remained weak and was even survived by her daughter.
How Carol died in the comics:ย Carol went down a path of misery, similar to her current state of mind on the TV series, but ventured to the point of no return. The character eventually let herself get close enough to a zombie that it would bite her, causing a fatal wound, and proceeded to reject the help of those around her. Prior to reanimation, Andrea put Carol down.

Morgan Jones is one of the most interesting characters on The Walking Dead, trying to enforce a morality based on forgiveness and the preciousness of life while his comic book counterpart was simply a chef — a chef who couldn’t defend himself when roamers took down the walls of Alexandria. Jessie Anderson wasn’t the only major character death during the No Way Out story line.
How Morgan died in the comics:ย Following the DC Scavengers attempted raid on Alexandria, a massive pack of walkers invaded Alexandria.ย At this point, Morgan has had a falling out with Michonne and all but lost his will to live so acts recklessly. When he realizes that he wants to live, it’s a bit too late. A zombie sinks its teeth into Morgan’s arm and despite Michonne’s quick choice to amputate the arm and Denise’s efforts to save him, Morgan dies in a fashion similar to Tyreese’s exit from the TV series.

Abraham’s escape of death was one which fans rejoiced of. The shocking nature of his death in the comics made it more well known than most others, so his continued survival in the TV series’ apocalypseย is a welcome change during the adaptation. He currently finds himself in grave danger, though. TV’s Abraham is at the mercy of Negan’s eenie-meenie-minie-moe game.
How Abraham died in the comics:ย While scavenging the outskirts of Alexandria with Eugene fresh off of his break up with Rosita, Dwight shot an arrow through Abraham’s eye. On the TV series, this death was shockingly gifted to Denise Cloydย who lived quite a bit longer in the comic series.

Today, Tobin is safe and sound in Alexandria. In fact, he even found himself in a relationship with Carol prior to her running away from the Safe-Zone. However, in the comics, he never did find love in Alexandria. Instead he found death prior to the events parallel to those of Season 6’s end.
How Tobin died in the comics:ย During the No Way Out storyline, Tobin was among the first to get eaten by zombies. He stepped up though, trying to fight off the impending horde but was later found by Rick and company torn to shreds by the undead.
Rick’s Hand

Rick’s right hand certainly still has blood flowing through it on television. Many fans suspected it might be amputated when he cut himself on a bloody machete early in the sixth season but fortunately for the character this wasn’t the case.ย
How Rick’s hand died in the comics:ย Shortly after the Governor was introduced, he was hungry for power, answers, and resources. Rick, the ever-brave leader, refused to tell the mad man where the rest of his group was. For over one hundred issues of The Walking Dead, Rick’s hand has been resting in peace.