Would it surprise you to know that working with Shia LaBeouf is sometimes a strange and surreal experience?
Videos by ComicBook.com
…I know, right? Who would have called it?

Suicide Squad star Jai Courtney, who appeared in the film Man Down alongside LaBeouf, told Conan O’Brien about an off-putting — but ultimately fun and harmless — bonding experience he had with his co-star.
“He’s an immersive individual, as you might have guessed. We met on a gun range, doing military training here in LA. The film was shot in New Orleans….He’s like, ‘So we’re playing best friends, we should get to know each other.’ I’m like, ‘yeah,’ he’s like, ‘I’ll pick you up Monday.’ I’m like, ‘Where are we going?’ He’s like, ‘New Orleans.’”
The pair jumped in a car, slept in El Paso along the way, and drove for about thirty hours to get to the set of the film.
You can hear a bit more about LaBeouf’s strange and fearless approach to costar bonding in the video above.
Gabriel Drummer is a U.S. Marine who has managed to survive an apocalypse in post-modern America. His survival skills continue to serve him well against the bleak futuristic landscape that is almost entirely devoid of any other life, but he is focused on more than just himself. Indeed, he is driven by a quest to find his wife, Natalie, and his son, Jonathan. He just knows that they are out there somewhere. Luckily, he does not have to undertake this journey alone. His best friend and another survivor are there for companionship, eager to help him on this dangerous journey.
Man Down is expected on Blu-ray and DVD in March 2017. It will likely be released to streaming services for rental and sale in February.