Star Wars

Watch Carrie Fisher’s Star Wars Audition

The outpouring of love for Carrie Fisher in the wake of Tuesday’s devastating loss continues. Now, […]

The outpouring of love for Carrie Fisher in the wake of Tuesday’s devastating loss continues. Now, her audition tape for the original Star Wars film has surfaced online.

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In the tape, Fisher delivers lines which are largely unused in the film but would fit best into Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope. As we know, she is really describing the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Interestingly enough, Fisher is actually very much a part of the now-in-theaters Rogue One.

As we know, Fisher nailed the audition and got the part as Princess Leia to become a cultural icon in one of the world’s largest movie franchises.

In the audition, Fisher is describing the current scenario which is where A New Hope starts. The plans for the Death Star are locked away in R2-D2 and Leia desperately needs to keep the plans safe in order to stop Darth Vader and the Imperial Army from destroying the galaxy.

For fans of Fisher and the Star Wars franchise, such a tape is both an amazing new way to remember the iconic woman and a welcome treat as they imagine where the lines would have fit into the film.

More: Carrie Fisher’s Mother Thanks Fans For Embracing Her Amazing Daughter | Star Wars: The Force Awakens Director J.J. Abrams Releases Statement On Carrie Fisher | George Lucas Releases Statement On Carrie Fisher | Carrie Fisher Finished Star Wars: Episode VIII Filming Before Her Death

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is now playing in theaters.