Over the years, The Flash fans have grown to expect awesome action, DC Comics Easter eggs, and different versions of Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh).
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Audiences were first introduced to Wells in season one, when he served as the disgraced leader of S.T.A.R. Labs. But as the season went on, it was revealed that Wells’ identity had been stolen by Eobard Thawne (Matt Letscher), in an attempt to ruin the life of Barry Allen/The Flash (Grant Gustin).
As the show’s tenure has gone on, audiences have been introduced to various other versions of Wells, thanks to The CW’s growing multiverse. First was Harry, the grumpy Earth-2 doppelganger and father of Jesse Quick (Violett Beane). When he returned back to his Earth in the beginning of season three, he left Team Flash with H.R., an Earth Nineteen doppelganger with quite a few secrets of his own.
This season, The Flash is set to take the doppelgangers of Wells even further, in the November 14th episode ‘When Harry Met Harry’. The episode will see Harry and Cisco Ramon/Vibe (Carlos Valdes) assembling the Council of Wells, a meeting of the minds between the various Wells dopplegangers.
It’s safe to assume we might see return appearances from some Wellses, such as mime Wells, cowboy Wells, and steampunk Wells. But who else would we like to see on The Flash‘s Council of Wells?
Earth Three Wells
Earth Three, aka the home of the real Jay Garrickย (John Wesley Shipp)ย has been sporadically explored within the world of The Flash. After being name-dropped in the show’sย season two finale, it was shown briefly in the season three Christmas episode – which saw Jayย taking down the earth’s colorful version of The Trickster (Mark Hamill).
Earth Three already has some sporadic ties to Wells, as Jesse briefly served as that earth’s Flash in Jay’s absence. But we have yet to see, or even hear about, that earth’s version of Wells.
An Earth Three Wells could have some interesting qualities, depending on what job and aesthetic he chose to have. And his presence would also provide a look at what non-costumed people of Earth Three look like.

Earth Thirty-Eight Wells
Seeing a Wells from Earth Thirty-Eight (a.k.a. Supergirl‘sย earth) might be a little tricky, given what has beenย previously confirmed within the world of the Arrowverse.
The ‘Worlds Finest’ย crossover of 2016 saw Barry accidentally traveling to Kara Danvers/Supergirl’sย (Melissa Benoist)ย earth, and desperate for a way to return home. He used Team Supergirl’sย computer to do research of the world, and found that there were no records of Wells, Cisco, or Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker).
But could there be? The Arrowverseย has certainly gone through bigger narrative leaps in the past (the resurrections of various characters, namely) to make an Earth Thirty-Eight Wells possible. Maybe he does exist on that earth, but under a different name? Or he has his own sort of backstory to justify being on the lam (which would be especially amusing in the relatively sunny Earth Thirty-Eight)? Either way, it’d be fun to find out.

Female Wells
While the DC Comicsย multiverseย is increasingly…complicated, there are quite a few universes that stand out to fans and novices alike. Among those is Earth-11, which is best known for its genderbending of popular heroes.
Earth-11 had a handful of comic appearances, namely in Superman/Batman. The Earth was populated with heroes like Anna Curry/Aquawoman,ย Kylie Rayner/Green Lantern, and Dane of Elysium/Wonder Man.ย A few villains received the genderbendingย treatment as well, including Maxine Lord.
A fullย Arrowverse version of Earth-11 would be pretty complicated to pull off, and would require a ton of very specific casting. But giving fans a small taste of that universe through a female Wells would be pretty easy to pull off – all they need is a badassย brunette actress to play the part.

A Wells That Acts Like Reed Richards
Now, hear us out on this.
For comic fans, the Council of Wells definitely feels like an homage toย Marvel’sย Interdimensional Council of Reeds. The comic group, which first appeared in Fantastic Four #570, was founded by various versions of Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic, and served as a way to help make the Marvel multiverseย a better place.
The Flash homagingย Marvel might sound a little unlikely to some, but it certainly isn’t the first time it’s happened. Some have spotted rather sly Marvel references in the past, including one recent possible Easter egg for “Buried Alien.”ย And DC Comics certainly has poked fun at Fantastic Four over the years, and will continue to do so in the upcoming The Terrificsย series.
While it’s debatable just how much The Flash would be able to homage Reed Richards, it’d certainly be an amusing thing to see. Not only could Cavanagh easily look the part, but it isn’t out of the question that a version of Wells would share Reed’s loveย for problem-solving. Whether or not he could also have elastic powers – something already seen last week with Ralph Dibny/Elongated Manย (Hartley Sawyer) – is up for debate.

Before You Go
The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW.
[Embed id=52450]CW’s The Flash (TVShow: cws-the-flash)[/Embed]