These Garfield ‘Super Smash Bros.' Characters Are The Best Thing Ever

For some strange reason, Nintendo hasn't added Garfield to any Super Smash Bros. game to date, and [...]

(Photo: Shawn Bowers via Instagram)

For some strange reason, Nintendo hasn't added Garfield to any Super Smash Bros. game to date, and it doesn't look like that will change with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. And this is a shame, I mean, have they played the Garfield games? Every single one of them is an all-time classic. And what is cooler than Garfield fighting Mario, Captain Falcon, and Ice Climbers in a fight to the death? Nothing.

That said, while Nintendo blindly ignores the rightful heir to the Super Smash Bros. throne (that isn't Waluigi), a Chicago-based artist by the name of Shawn Bowers isn't.

In a new project that he's been sharing via Instagram, Bowers hasn't imagined what Garfield would look like in the game, but he has done the next best thing: reimagined what Smash characters would look like as Garfield.

Here's Garfield as Mario:

And here's Garfield as Donkey Kong and Captain Falcon:

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When Marfield called his friend Garfey Kong about the catfights he was staging, Garfey wanted to participate...but he was scared. Garfey was just a weak-muscled geneticist, you see, but he longed to let his knuckles taste blood. Then it hit him: if he injected his puny cat body with ape DNA, he could gain incredible strength and speed, but would sacrifice his smarts. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make, but just before the syringe plunged into his fur, he put on a necktie as a reminder that there was sophistication buried deep inside the brutal killer he would soon become. His favorite food is banana lasagna (banagna). #garfield #supersmashbros #donkeykong #dk #kong #donkeykongcountry #smashbros #smash #nintendo #mashup #illustration #digitalart #design #popculture #gamer #videogames #n64 #melee #brawl #clickbait #whocares #popart #character #smashmain #smashfields

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Captain Falcfield is not a real captain. The closest he ever came was associate captain of his JV mathletics team in high school, and the only reason he got to do that was because the former associate captain, Darren Lieflen, moved to Idaho. But once he learned how to drive, it didn’t matter. Behind the wheel of his 2001 Pontiac Aztek, he WAS a captain...of the road, of his life, of his destiny. He went out driving every night, even if he had nowhere to go. In fact, those were his favorite nights. He would push the highway as far as he could, getting a little further outside of Muncie on each go before inevitably having to turn back due to exhaustion or a low gas tank or just fear of the unknown. One day, he thought, I won’t turn around...I’ll keep driving till I see the sunrise from a new city and never look back. He was confident of this plan, it could happen any night, just as soon as he worked up the courage. Of course, life isn’t always a direct route. As the years passed by, he found that his nightly trips got a little shorter, and then a little shorter still, until he stopped taking them altogether. But even though he stopped chasing it, he always held on to that dream. Every morning, as he awoke to the same Muncie sunrise, he smiled. One day, he thought, I’ll be Captain again. #garfield #supersmashbros #captainfalcon #fzero #cfalcon #smashbros #smash #nintendo #mashup #illustration #digitalart #design #popculture #gamer #videogames #n64 #melee #brawl #clickbait #whocares #popart #character #smashmain #smashfields

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And here's Garfield as Ness, Link, Kirby, and Star Fox:

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Linkfield had found his trusty weapon, Swordie, in a garbage dump some years ago. The garbage dump isn’t there anymore, so don’t get any ideas about going and finding more cool swords or whatever. It’s a Panera Bread and a Ross Dress For Less now. Anyway, so he found this dog sword and they became really good friends, and they told eachother all of their secrets, but then it turned out Swordie was (get this) a l33t hacker. And he sold all of Linkfield’s secrets on the dark web, and Linkfield was just super betrayed and humiliated and also he didn’t know how to access the dark web so he couldn’t even get on there to see who bought them. So Linkfield FLUNG Swordie into the Great Muncie River and Swordie presumably drowned. But he still needed a sword, so he had a replica of his former best friend 3D printed. Linkfield immediately told it all of his secrets, praying this sword wouldn’t gain sentience too. Also, boy does he love napping. #garfield #supersmashbros #link #zelda #linktothepast # legendofzelda #triforce #smashbros #smash #nintendo #mashup #illustration #digitalart #design #popculture #gamer #videogames #n64 #melee #brawl #clickbait #whocares #popart #character #smashmain #smashfields

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After the world finally discovered the existence of Garfemon, the creatures were treated as sacred beasts among the population of otherwise average Garfields. For some, the pampering was welcome after years of living in the shadows, narrowly avoiding capture at every turn. Others, like Jigglygarf, missed the darkness...and so they sought sanctuary in the seedy pockets of underbelly the world was kind enough to keep hidden. When he discovered Marfield’s basement catfights, he knew he’d found a home. They didn’t treat him like an idol there, he was just another sack of meat to brutalize...and he was grateful for every hit. #garfield #supersmashbros #garfemon #jigglypuff #pokemon #nap #smashbros #smash #nintendo #mashup #illustration #digitalart #design #popculture #gamer #videogames #n64 #melee #brawl #clickbait #whocares #popart #character #smashmain #smashfields

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Once, there were two astronaut Garfield cats who lived and worked on the Moon. They were the only two cats working in their particular Moon Base, so of course they fell in love and “did it with eachother.” 58-67 days later, a kitten was born in space. And they were all happy, for a time, living on the Moon as a nice family. But then the kitten grew up a little and joined some internet message boards and found out about a fight club back on Earth. They didn’t have fight clubs on the Moon, cause that would’ve just meant wrestling his mom or dad, and nobody wants to do that. So he stole a rocket and blasted off to check this thing out, not realizing that the propulsion jets on his ship would be SUPER powerful and set their base ablaze with moon flames. Anyway, so he killed his parents, but in his head he blamed the fight club for being so compelling that he felt he needed to leave, and that’s why he fights dirty and uses a laser gun in a street brawl. He doesn’t respect rules, he doesn’t care. He’s here for false vengeance. His real name is Cat McCloud...but his enemies call him STAR FIELD. #garfield #supersmashbros #starfox #foxmccloud #snes #starfox64 #smashbros #smash #nintendo #mashup #illustration #digitalart #design #popculture #gamer #videogames #n64 #melee #brawl #clickbait #whocares #popart #character #smashmain #smashfields

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And for all of you monsters out there, here's Garfield as Yoshi:

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Yoshfield got his GED, but then a couple of street toughs came along and beat him up and stole his GED and they all used copies of it to get good jobs, and then when Yoshfield went to apply at the same places, they were like “ehhhh tough nuts bucko, you already work here.” The only way he could ever hope to defeat the street toughs and become king of his neighborhood was to learn Kombato, a self-defense Military Martial Art created for the Brazilian Armed Forces. Even though it was for self defense, Yoshfield was a disruptor in his field and figured out how to use it for offense. And a mere week after earning his Kombato badge, he’d literally kicked everyone in the butt and had like six copies of his GED and a ton of jobs all over town. But he quit all of them to focus on fighting, and that’s how he stumbled into Marfield’s underground catfight club on that fateful Monday... #garfield #supersmashbros #yoshi #yoshisstory #smashbros #smash #nintendo #mashup #illustration #digitalart #design #popculture #gamer #videogames #n64 #melee #brawl #clickbait #whocares #popart #character #smashmain #smashfields

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is poised to release later this year on December 7 via the Nintendo Switch.

For more news and coverage on the game, click here. And of course, for future Garfield as Smash character art, be sure to give Bowers a follow here. Here's to hoping he does Bowser and King Dedede soon.