Mystery Of Garfield Phones Washing Up On A Beach For 35 Years Has Been Solved

Garfield is known for many things, including a distaste for dogs named Odie and a love for [...]

Garfield is known for many things, including a distaste for dogs named Odie and a love for lasagna, but he's also been at the center of an ongoing mystery for the past 35 years. Since the 1980s citizens who lived on the Iroise coast in Brittany have found pieces of Garfield novelty phones show up on their shores, and no one understood why. The Garfield phones have in fact become a symbol in the fight against pollution of their beaches. No one knew why the phones continued to show up from the water, but now that crazy mystery has finally been solved (via BBC).

It turns out that the Garfield phones were part of the cargo of a shipping container that was lost at sea. In fact, some suspected that this was the case, but weren't sure where it was located. A local farmer though recently caught wind of the renewed interest in finding the container and revealed the location to members of the Ar Viltansou group and Franceinfo journalists.

Evidently, the container was located in a hard to find cave that was only accessible at low tide.

"You had to really know the area well," the farmer told Franceinfo. "We found a container aground in a fissure. It was open. Many of the things were gone, but there was a stock of phones."

The team had to climb down slippery rocks to get to the cave, but once they did they found the battered shipping container inside the rock fissure, and eventually, they discovered a haul of Garfield phones, which were in much better condition than the ones that had floated to the shore.

"This is the first time in our lives that we've seen that," campaigner Claire Simonin-Le Meur told the reporters.

Now, because of being buried over time the shipping container isn't accessible at the moment, so more phones will probably find their way out of the container and to the beaches as time goes on. Still, it's good to know where they are coming from.


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