Studio Ghibli Fan Film Gives Nausicaa A Promising Live-Action Adaptation

Hayao Miyazaki is a name familiar to millions and for good reason. His long career has helped the [...]

Hayao Miyazaki is a name familiar to millions and for good reason. His long career has helped the filmmaker into becoming one of the world's most famous directors, but the Studio Ghibli founder has yet to tackle one realm. To date, the live-action world hasn't been able to capture his magic, but it seems one fan is hoping to change that soon.

Recently, a filmmaker from Brazil known as Chris Tex shared their vision of a live-action adaptation of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. The director released a teaser and behind-the-scenes reel of a short film named Wind Princess which is inspired by the Miyazaki movie.

So, if you have wondered how the classic tale may look in real life, then you are in luck.

Above, the short teaser begins with a wide shot of Nausicaa from the back. The heroine is seen walking through a desert landscape which ends in a fantastic forest. As the trailer continues, fans are shown more of the lead's beautifully harsh setting, and it ends with Nausicaa on the run from a massive insect.

Describing the project, Tex stressed to fans his short film is by no means official but instead a labor of love.

"This independent non-profit short film is entirely self-funded and was made in Brazil as a tribute to the great artist Hayao Miyazaki, who has always been an inspiration to me," the director wrote.

We are not a large company. Rather, we are a group of friends who have been working on this project for almost four years, fueled only by our love of the art. We are proud to finally release our first teaser trailer," he continued.

"We will release the film online free of charge, as our only aim is to pay homage to Mr. Miyazaki and the entire wonderful team at Studio Ghibli. Our dream is to donate all of our costumes and props (such as the glider, gun, etc) to the Ghibli Museum (in Tokyo, Japan), as a token of appreciation and also as a testament to the great influence Miyazaki has on Brazilian fans and artists who share his passion for fantastical story-telling."

So far, there is no firm release date for the fan-film, but netizens are interested to see how this adaptation may work. It is one of the only ventures bold enough to adapt Miyazaki's iconic imagination, but fans have long said Nausicca would be the most adaptable project from the director. The film's female lead remains a favorite with Studio Ghibli lovers, and its naturalistic story holds more weight than ever before. Should Hollywood ever get the blessing to tackle any of Miyazaki's works, this is surely where they would start, and this fan-film may be the start of such a journey.

So, what do you make of this teaser? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics and anime!