Adventure Time is easily one of the biggest animated original series to arrive on Cartoon Network. Following the adventures of Finn the Human and Jake the Dog in a strange world that is quite unlike our own, the television show had hundreds of episodes that aired over the years. While we have yet to receive an Adventure Time anime, one artist has taken the opportunity to imagine what Finn and Jake might have looked like had they gotten their start in the East rather than the West.
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Adventure Time first premiered on Cartoon Network in 2010 from animator Pendelton Ward. Thanks to the conclusion of the original series along with a number of spin-offs, the story of Finn, Jake, and their numerous allies and enemies in the land of “Ooo” was fairly conclusive. For the most part, the characters each received their own unique ending that brought their respective long journeys to an end. While there certainly might be further elements to explore should the Cartoon Network classic decide to make a comeback in the future, the definitive ending of the franchise is one that took the opportunity to explore what the future held for the heroes and villains alike.
Shonen Time
As mentioned earlier, there has yet to be an Adventure Time anime, but that certainly doesn’t mean we might never see one come to fruition. Shonen Jump has printed a number of stories that gave manga to Western properties such as Spider-Man, Deadpool, and other heroes. With the DC Comics’ heroes and villains under the Warner Bros banner receiving their own manga under a different publisher, Finn and Jake might one day appear in the medium.
The soon-to-be Max, currently known as HBO Max, has seen some controversy when it comes to its animated landscape. At present, there has been no word whether or not Adventure Time will remain on the streaming service, as several of its counterparts have been removed, or might be removed in the future. Considering the accolades that the series has received from fans and critics alike, now is a great time to check out the animated show if you haven’t watched Finn and Jake.
Would you love to see an Adventure Time anime in the future? What Cartoon Network animated shows could use an anime makeover? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Finn and Jake.