Chainsaw Man has been making some big waves with the recent release of the first trailer for the upcoming anime series produced by the legendary Studio MAPPA, and the creator of the bizarre manga, Tatsuki Fujimoto, recently participated in an interview wherein the mangaka revealed which horror movie inspired the insane series. Though there have been plenty of nefarious slashers in the world of horror throughout the decades, only one has based itself entirely around the device known as the chainsaw, so it definitely shouldn’t be too surprising to learn which horror icon inspired the story of Denji and company.
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During the tenth anniversary event celebrating Studio MAPPA, Tatsuki Fujimoto revealed the fact that Chainsaw Man was born from the terrifying events based on a true story in Texas Chainsaw Massacre, following the insane Sawyer Family and their chainsaw-wielding butcher known as Leatherface. When asked what inspired Fujimoto to create Denji in his devil form, he noted that the popular manga was inspired by the 1970s horror movie because “the chainsaw was cool,” Needless to say, both properties are fit to bursting with blood and guts, though could not be more different when it comes to their main characters.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre has seen countless sequels and reboots released over the years, following the terrifying Leatherface as he hunts down victims in order to give his family their next meal. 2021 will see the severed face-wearing terror return with a direct sequel to the original film being released, similar to the style of the latest Halloween films that painted Michael Meyers in a brand new light.
Chainsaw Man has been one of the most popular manga series that has yet to receive an anime adaptation of its own, with many anime fans beyond excited that MAPPA would be bringing the story of Denji and the world of devils to life. While the first part of the manga series came to a close, Fujimoto has gone on record that he plans to revisit the Shonen series with an upcoming part two, though has been mum as to when readers can expect the story of Chainsaw Man to return.
What do you think of Leatherface being responsible for the creation of Chainsaw Man? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the insane Shonen series.