Chainsaw Man is one of the hottest, bloodiest shonen series on the market today, with both its manga and anime adaptation following Denji the Chainsaw Devil and his brutal adventures. While the manga has continued to release new chapters on a nearly weekly basis, the anime series has remained in limbo following the first season’s finale. As fans wait for a confirmation that MAPPA will work on a second season, cosplayers are taking the opportunity to bring Denji and his ridiculous comrades to life.
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While Denji might be the star of the series, Power might be considered to be the most popular among many anime fans. First introduced as the Blood Devil, Power would betray Denji at first in an effort to save her cat, Meowy, but once the feline was saved from the Bat Devil, the Blood Devil turned to the light completely. Having the ability to manipulate blood and transform the vital fluid into weapons that she could use at her disposal, Power is one of the Chainsaw Devil’s strongest allies and might be one of his strongest ones to boot. Should Chainsaw Man return for a second season, expect Power to continue to have a big role in the fight against the world’s devils.
Chainsaw Man: Denji And Power’s Day Date
Both Denji and Power certainly share some similar personality traits, which causes Aki quite a few headaches since the devil hunter feels like the odd man out of this trio. With all three living under the same roof at the end of Chainsaw Man’s first season, the anime will have some hilarious moments in the future alongside its bloody battles. Of course, the world is a very different place in the second half of the manga series.
Without diving too deeply into spoiler territory, Denji is no longer shacking up with Power and Aki in the current chapters of the Chainsaw Man manga. Instead, the Chainsaw Devil finds himself sharing the spotlight with Asa Mikata, the new War Devil. It will most likely be years before we see these current adventures adapted into an anime series but they’ll be some major stories to hit the small screen.
What do you think of this hilarious cosplay duo? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Chainsaw Devil.