One of the biggest manga today that has yet to receive an anime adaptation is the idiosyncratic story of Denji, a mob enforcer who finds himself possessed with the power of a demon thanks in part to his chainsaw infused pup, but it seems as if a recent website domain might be hinting toward a television version of Chainsaw Man coming to light! This year saw the arrival of such big series as Yashahime: Princess Half Demon and Jujutsu Kaisen, so this strange story will definitely be in good company when it eventually arrives to anime fans around the world!
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Of the latest manga to be released as a part of Weekly Shonen Jump, Chainsaw Man definitely takes the cake for one of the weirdest of the bunch, but in its overall strangeness, the creation of Tatsuki Fujimoto has levels of action and heart that have made it a fan favorite. Denji as a character is unlike anyone else in the world of manga, fulfilling contracts for the mob in order to barely scrape by while also searching for the love of his life. When he is dragged into the world of demons, his faithful sidekick fuses with him to create the titular characters that lives in a world filled with “greys” rather than “blacks and whites”.
Twitter Outlet WSJ_Manga noted that the domain name for “ChainsawMan.Dog” had been registered, pointing toward the possibility that the popular manga series might be getting ready to finally announce an anime adaptation that will tell the story of Denji for a brand new audience:
The domain was recently registered. There’s no official confirmation or tease about any announcements or upcoming news, so it’s yet unknown whether the domain is official. We’ll report any information on the matter.
— Shonen Jump News – Unofficial (@WSJ_manga) November 13, 2020
Most likely, the best bet for a potential announcement would be the upcoming Jump Festa event, which will be taking place later this year and usually offers Shonen series the opportunity to make big announcements for the futures of their respective franchises. Alongside the likes of Dragon Ball, Naruto, and more, Chainsaw Man will definitely be in good company if it drops the news that an anime series is on the way during this year’s Jump Festa!
Are you hyped for the possibility of Chainsaw Man finally receiving an anime adaptation? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the strange world of Chainsaw Man!