Detective Conan tells the tale of the titular protagonist, a young detective who finds himself even younger thanks in part to a case gone awry where he ingests a poison that doesn’t so much as kill him, as it does make him eternally young. The franchise of Case Closed has Conan attempting to solve numerous mysteries while simultaneously grappling with his lot in life as a man in a child’s body. Now, a real life medical expert has given their opinion on the age stunting serum called APTX 4689 and how it would be possible for it to actually exist!
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Anime News Network shared the breakdown from the medical professional, Professor Shigeomi Shimuzi, who went into quite a bit of details into how the “poison” and its effects could in fact be replicated in the real world and how the alterations that took place for the young detective could translate into the real world!
The professor in fact praised the anime for the scientific detail that went into the creation of this serum, as he explored the idea of the body being broken down and rebuilt to make its cells acquire a younger state. While the professor also noted that re-aging Conan to his original age would be far more difficult, it’s definitely interesting in exploring this anime storyline as if it were taking place in our world.
What do you think of Detective Conan? Do you agree with this professor’s take on the de-aging serum? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and Case Closed!
A new upcoming anime arc for Detective Conan is on the way, arriving early next year for fans of the long running Case Closed franchise. The official description for the upcoming storyline reads as such:
“The story arc begins when Conan and others are invited to the press unveiling of the movie Daikaijū Gomera vs. Kamen Yaiba and visit Nichiuri TV in Osaka. During the unveiling, the producer Yonekura dies after getting crushed under a gigantic monster prop in a warehouse. When it turns out that the rope holding up the monster prop was cut by a knife, the Osaka Police determines that this is more than an accident and investigate. The suspects are narrowed down to Yonekura’s subordinates. Conan and the others investigate famous locales like the Osaka Castle Garden and Nichiuri TV’s new office building.”
Detective Conan (also known as Case Closed in the United States) was originally created by Gosho Aoyama in 1994 for Shogakukan’s Weekly Shonen Sunday. The story follows high schooler detective Jimmy Fudo who works with the police to solve cases. When investigating a crime syndicate known as the Black Organization, he was poisoned. But instead of killing him, the poison reverts him to a child. Using his new childhood alias Conan and keeping his true identity a secret, he vows to solve more cases and eventually put a stop to the crimes of the Black Organization. You can currently find the anime streaming on Crunchyroll.