The Stone Wars are about to begin in the second season of Dr. Stone, with the arrival of the new installments set for January of next year and the popular anime series has unleashed a new promo with new animation to get folks hyped for the return of Senku and his friends who have awoken into a stone world. With the mad scientist teenager attempting to return a society long since past to its glory days, he will have to overcome the insidious Shishio who has drastically different plans for this new world that they find themselves in.
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The conflict presented in the “Stone Wars” isn’t simply between brains and brawn, but rather, it’s between two wildly different ideologies. Senku, the protagonist of the series, is attempting to bring back the world that was lost once civilization was trapped within stone prisons, with the young scientist awakening thousands of years later. Shishio, on the other hand, wants to create a world where the youth are the only ones in charge, going so far as to kill any adults that are currently inhabiting the world and smashing them to pieces in their stone states. With the latter half of the first season introducing a number of wild elements to the franchise, season two is sure to continue the trend of giving fans more insane elements from Dr. Stone!
Dr. Stone shared the new promo video on its Official Twitter Account, giving fans a more in-depth look into the lines drawn in the sand between Senku and Shishio as the Stone Wars get ready to begin early next year and continue the story of one of anime’s biggest recent blockbusters:
10/11(日)13時~開催 #ジャンプスペシャルアニメフェスタ2020 にてLIVE配信される「STONE WARS 決戦前夜スペシャル映像」PVを公開しました‼️
イベントURL #ドクターストーン #DrSTONE
— アニメ「Dr.STONE」公式 TVアニメ第2期 2021年1月TV放送&配信開始!! (@STONE_anime_off) October 9, 2020
Are you hyped for the arrival of Dr. Stone’s second season? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the Stone World!